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| Apr. 28 | Lackey. Sam. C. Dist. Atty. 10th Judicial Dist.  Referred to Lt. Plummer. at Prairie Lea. May 18. 1867 by letter of this date. See L.S. P 3. Vol. 2. | 73.  Gonzales. Texas April 28. 1867.  At the Fall term of 1866 Sampson (f.m.) was indicted for horse stealing and was admitted to bail. Received an order from Lt. Plummer, S.A.C. notifying him that the civil authorities were not to interfere in the case of Sampson.
Asks instructions as to his actions. |

| Apr. 15 | Lignoski. B. R. *  Filed. | 74.  Palestine. Texas, Mar. 20. 1867.  Applies for appointment as Agent of the Bureau for Smith, Cherokee and Anderson Counties. |

| May 4 | Lowrie. James. * Sub-Asst. Comr  Filed. | 75.  Jasper. Texas. April 29. 1867.  Reports his arrival on the 26th inst. Called at Mr. Johnson's office at Woodville and gave him necessary instructions. Turned over to Mr. M. H. Goddin all records pertaining to office at Livingston. Reports affairs in general. |
| May 18 | Lowrie. James. * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 76.  Jasper. Texas. May 10, 1867.  Requests to be furnished orders & circulars. |

| Feb. 20 | Leib. H. F. *  Filed. | 77  Marengo. Iowa, Feb. 16. 1867.  Applies through Col. Sinclair for a position as Clerk. |

| Apr. 12 | Lignoski, B. R. Filed. * | 78.  Palestine, Tex., April. 8. 1867.  Makes application through Col. Sinclair for a position in the Bureau. | 

| Apr. 20 | Leeds. T. H.  Filed. Q.M. Agent. * | 79.  Victoria. Texas. April 15. 1867.  Asks for a position in the Bureau. |

|   | Lowrie. James. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 80.  Moscow. Texas. Jan. 31. 1867.  Reports for the month of January in compliance with Circular Letter. dated, Dec. 31. 1867. |


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|   | Lancaster, Geo. ** Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 81.  Hempstead. Texas. April 1. 1867.  Reports for the Month of March. in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1867. |

| May 18 | Lancaster. Geo. ** Capt. & S.A. Comr. Filed. | 82.  Hempstead. Texas. May 1. 1867.  Reports for the month of April in compliance with Circular Letter. dated, Dec. 31. 1866. |

| May 12 | Lowrie. James *** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 83.  Jasper. Texas. March 1867.  Reports murders &c. in compliance with Circular Letter. dated March 7. 1867. |

| Apr. 30 | Lancaster. George *** Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 84.  Hempstead. Texas. April 24, 1867.  Reports Murders &c. in compliance with Circular Letter. dated Mar. 7. 1867. |

| May 9th | Lowrie, James * S.A. Comr.  Filed. May 29" 1867 | 85.  Jasper. Texas May 5" 1867  Report in compliance with Circ. Lett. dated Mar. 7th 1867 B R.F &c. Galveston. Will send report from Newton C.H. County. |

| May 9" | Lignoski, B. R. *  Filed May 29" 1867 | 86.  Palestine. Texas Apl. 26" 1867  Acknowledges receipt of communication endorsed by Lt. Kirkman AAA.G. "The appt'ment at Palestine, as Agent has been made." |

 | May 7" | Latimer. A H. Sub. Asst. Comr *  Filed May 30" 1867 | 87.  Clarksville, Tex. May 1" 1867  Acknowledges receipt of appointment as S.a. Comr at Clarksville. Texas |

| May | Lanquille. P. T. * (2 Enclosures)  Filed June 2d 1867 | 88.  Letters of Recommendation in the case of Mr P. T. Lanquille applicant for position as S.a.C Bur. R.F & a L. forwarded by Capt W. B. Pease U.S A. Houston. June 1" 1867. |

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