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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 12, | Miller. * Capt Edward, | 28,  Victoria Texas May 9" 1866  Transmits Affidavit of Wm Shereff, Chief Justice of Refugio Co. Concerning treatment of Self and other Citizens, by parties in that Section, |

| May 19. | Murphy, * W. H. (Printer) (Filed) | 29,  Galveston. Texas May 19th 1966, States that he has been for Six Months engaged as Printer at these Hd Qrs. but finds under existing arrangements, he cannot retain the position longer than June 1st 1866, That he has been disrespectfully treated and reprimanded by a Subordinate Officer, and desires no longer to be subjected to such treatment, |

| May 21 | McFarland, W. B, * Judge 2nd Judl Dist, and Others,  (Filed) | 30,  Guadaloupe [[Guadalupe]] County,  State that W C. Wiseman is a Union man and request that he be appointed Sub. Asst. Comr instead of Wm Longworth who is very unpopular with both Classes |

| Feby 28, | Mintzer. S. J. W. * Surgeon. U.S. Vols.  (Filed) | 31.  Galveston Texas Feby 28" 1866,  Monthly Report for February 28" 1866, |

| June 10 | Miller. Capt. Edward,  See EB. page, 59, | 32,  Victoria Texas June 5th 1866  Forwards Charges and Specification against Lee Sheppard, (Freedman) Matagorda. County Texas. |

| June 18. | Muir, John A,  See EB. page, 63, | 33.  Millican Texas June 13th 1866,  Encloses contract, where Solomon Rice (F.m.) agrees to work out $200 the value of Two Mules stolen, at $15 per month which he has failed to do, (One Enclosure) |

| June 21_ | Muir, John A,  See E.B. page, 67. | 34,  Millican. Texas, June 19th 1866,  Asks instructions respecting the enclosed Contract where Solomon Rice agrees to work out $200 at $15 per month, |

| June 26. | Miller. Capt. Edward  Se.e E.B. page. | 35.  Victoria Texas June 21" 1866,  Asks if it is proper to approve Contracts for 3 or 5 years. |

| June 28, | Miller, Capt. Edward,  See E.B. page, 76, | 36,  Victoria Texas June 22nd 1866,  States that Capt Spaulding has got an order from Gen Hantzelman, to detail 10 men and that they may be mounted, but that he refuses to make Requisition for the horse. So does Maj. Hedges, A.Q.M, |

| June 29. | Starr Major S. H,  See E.B. pages 75 and 80 | 37.  Houston, Texas, June 26th 1866,  Encloses Statement of Judge Advocate with regard to Jack Givens, charged with murder. Some of the Witnesses for the defense having been murdered, Asks whether or not the prisoner should be released without trial, |

Transcription Notes:
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