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| Oct. 9 | Morton. L. K. * Lt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 168.  Sterling. Texas. Oct. 1. 1866.  Asks if $400, a fine imposed on R. Tolbert and collected by Champ Carter, was ever received at Hd. Quarters B.R.F.&A.L. State of Texas. | 

| Dec. 18 | McMahan. T. H. & Co. *  Filed. | 169.  Galveston, Texas. Dec. 18. 1866.  Will hold cotton received from Rust and Betts until the freedmen are paid. | 

| Dec. 24 | Mayer. A. H. * Sub. Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 170.  Liberty. Texas. Dec. 22. 1866.  Asks that the entire cargo of the Steamer "Sunflower" be seized. | 

| Dec. 28 | Miller. Edward, * Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 171.  Victoria, Texas, Dec. 16. 1866.  Reports the murder of Newcomb - a policeman - by a colored soldier. States the particulars. | 

| Nov. 26 | Miller. Edward, * Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 172.  Victoria. Texas. Nov. 20, 1866.  Makes statement concerning the burning of the house on the plantation of J. P. Jones. | 

| Dec. 18 | McMahan, T. H. & Co. *  Filed. | 172.  Galveston, Tex. Dec. 18. 1866.  Will hold the proceeds of the cotton of Bust & Betts from Bernard Station marked R. until all claims of freedmen are settled. | 

| Dec. 20 | Mayer A. H. * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 174.  Liberty, Texas. Dec. 17. 1866.  Asks that the cotton on board the steamers "Col. Still" and "Alice M." from above Liberty be seized as the freedmen have not been paid and the cotton is shipped without permit. | 

| Dec. 30 | Mayer. A. H. * Sub. Asst. Comr.  Filed.  | 175.  Liberty, Texas. Dec. 23. 1866.  Asks that all Captains and Clerks of steamboats from Trinity River be required to file a copy of their manifests with Hd. Qrs. B.R.F.&A.L. as he requires permits from those shipping cotton and thinks many intend to run off their cotton without paying the freedmen. |
| 1867 Jan. 1 | Mayer. A. H. Sub. Asst. Comr.  See E.B. 239. | 176.  Liberty. Texas. Dec. 18. 1866.  Forwardd s copy of Resolution adopted by the citizens of Libert "urging the importance of immediately issuing such orders as will instruct the planters and freedmen on contracts that will be approved by the Bureau, and also asking if the terms of the act of the Texas Legislature regulating contracts for labor will be satisfactory and meet the approval of the Freedmen's Bureau." |

| Jan. 3 | Mayer. A. H. Sub. Asst. Comr.  See EB. 240. | 177.  Liberty. Texas. Dec. 31. 1866  States has inclosed copies of seven letters addressed to Col. Ellis and Lt Plummer in relation to buying a stove &c., but after waiting a reasonable time bought a stove. Pidgeon holes &c. and table and has rented an office @ $20 per month. Requests to be furnished with chairs, a desk &c. &c. |