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| May 8 | Manning, A. F. Lieut. S.A. Comr  See E.B. 385. & 388. | 289.  Cotton Gin, Texas. May 1, 1867.  States he has hired an office at $15 per month. Asks permission to purchase an office desk, six chairs, a bench and an inkstand. |

| May 10 | Miller, Edward Capt. & Supt-Asst. Comr.  E.B. page 390. 396. | 290.  Millican. Texas. May 8. 1867.  Incloses quadruplicate. copies of contract for repairs of School house. |

| May 10 | Miller. Edward. Capt. & Sub. Asst. Comr  E.B. page 391. | 291  Millican, Texas. May 8. 1867.  Wishes to know if he has the right to arrest and compel payment in the following case:-

Mr. Curtis (planter) owes Thomas Hearn (fm.) for one month's services and will not pay him - saying he has no money, which is only a pretense to avoid payment. |

| May 11 | Miller, Edward Capt. & S.A. Comr.  E.B. pages 393. 395. 409. | 230 [No 2]  Millican, Texas. May 9. 1867.  States (f.m.) Jackson Myers deposited $100 specie with L. F. Fletcher, Agent of the Southern Express Co. on the 16." March. 1866., to be forwarded to Charlotte Myers care of Dr. Sam Morton, Montgomery, Ala. The money has never reached its destination.

Doubts the inclosed Affidavit of Mr. Fletcher. Wishes the books of the company examined at Houston or at New Orleans and it ascertained if Mr. Scanlan ever receipted to Mr. Fletcher for the $100 in gold. |


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| May 11 | Mason, Jno. S. Bvt. Brig. Gen. & S.A. Comr.  E.B. page 391 | 231. [No. 2]  San Antonio. Texas. May 3. 1867.  Forwards papers in case of freedman S. P. McGee vs. R. McClermont (late of 4th Cav.) now Capt. of 41st Inft. For $170.75/100 received by McC. for him, but not received by him.

McGee claims he had vouchers to the amount of $270.75 which were left with McClermont for collection and he was requested to leave the money with Messrs. [[Pancoet? Pancost?]] & Hathaway. The package which was left with them was opened in the presence of witnesses and contained only $100. |

| May 12 | Miller. Edward. Capt. & S.A. Comr *  E.B. page 394. Filed. | 232. [No. 2]  Millican. Texas. May 9. 1867.  States he has forwarded three requests to A. Sessums & Co. for the weights and prices of cotton shipped to them by Battle & Edrington and has received no reply.

There is something wrong about it. Requests that their books be examined. |

| May 12 | Miller. Edward. Capt. & S.A. Comr.  E.B. page 395. | 233. [No. 2]  Millican, Texas. May 10/67.  States that fm. Perry Downs living in Millican has been injured and is unable to earn his living. Asks transportation for him, his wife, and two Children to New York who will be received and provided for by Downs' brother - Frederick Douglass.

Incloses letter from Frederick Douglass to his brother Perry Downs. |

| May 12 | McGinnis, O. A.  E.B. page 394. | 234. [No. 2]  Trinity Co. Tex., Apr. 30. 1867.  Swears that John Kirby, W. Barcley & others have taken from him a wagon valued at $100 without warrant of law, Barcley acting (pretendingly) Justice of Peace and Kirby claiming the wagon for an amount due him by McGinnis. McGinnis swears he never knew, saw nor had any business transactions with Kirby or any other citizen of Tyler Co. This is done to extort money from him because he is loyal &c. Asks redress. |

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