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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mar. 30 | Oakes. James ** Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S.A. Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 18.  Austin. Texas. Mar. 26. 1867.  Reports murders &c. in compliance with circular Letter. dated. Mar. 7. 1867. |

| June 7th | Oakes. James Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S.A. SA.C  See E.B_ Page 432. | 19  Austin Tex. June 1" 1867  Extract of letter_ referring to Schools &c |

| June 10 | Oakes. James ** SAC  Filed June 17" 1867 | 20  Austin Tex May 31" 1867  Encloses report in reference to duties of agent in 29th Sub. Dist. for May 1867. |

| June 18 | O'Connell. J. D. Bvt. Col. & S.A. Com.  E.B. page 447. | 21 21.  Houston. Texas. June 17. 1867.  States accounts are continually brought against the New Orleans R.R.  Incloses statement of the Supt. of the Road. Asks if it would be advisable to seize property of the Road if it can be found. |

| June 26" | O'Connell. J. D. Bvt Col and S.A.C  June 28 E&M. B P. (460) | 22  Houston Tex. June 25th 1867  Requests to know whether or not he may send his Asst. Capt. Warren to obtain contracts refered to. |

| June 10 | O'Connell. J. D * SAC.  Filed July 6th 1867 | 23  Houston Tex. June 14" 1867  Have assumed the duties of SaC. at Houston. Tex on the 7th_ complying with Cir. No "3" Feb 1" 1867 - BRF &c |

| June 4" | Oakes. James * Col 6th" Cavly Bvt Brig Genl  Filed July 6th 1867 | 24  Austin. Tex. June - 1867  Petitin from citizens of Belton Bell Co. asking for more anequate protection - requests a company of Soldiers be stationed at the above named place. | 

| June 26" | O'Connell. J. D * SaC.  Filed. July 6" 1867 | 25  Houston Tex. June 22" 1867  Reports upon the County Court. Harris County - the expense of maintaining families in the County and City requiring such assistance |

| July 8 | Oakes. James. * S.A.C | 26,  Austin Texas. June 30th 1867  Transmits papers pertaining to Bureau, R.F.&AL. for June 1867, |

| July 10 | O'Connell. J. D. * S.A.C. | 27.  Houston Texas. July 8th 1867  Requests to be furnished with Cir. Letter dated Head Qrs B.R.F.&A.L. State of Texas. Galveston. Dec. 31. 1866. |

| July 12 | O.Connell. J. D. * S.A.C.  Filed | 28.  Houston. Texas. July 11. 1867.  States that in a few days he will forward a report of "Murders and Assaults" "with intent to kill" in compliance with Cir. letter of 3rd of July. |

| July 12 | O'Connell J. D. ** SAC.  Extract furnished Supt of Schools | 29.  Houston Texas July 10. 1867  Report for month of June in compliance with Cir. letter dated Dec. 31. 1866 |

| 15 | Oakes Jas. Col *** S.A.C.  Filed | 30.  Austin Texas July 10. 1867.  Report of Murders & assaults with intent to Kill. |

| 20 | O'Connell Jas. D. * S.A.C  Filed. | 31.  Houston Texas July 1867  States that the Texas and Southern Ex. Com, have agreed to settle the claim of Jackson Myer. (FM) for $100_ in Coin, which is deposited in their possession. | 

| July 18 | O'Connell J. D. * SA.C  Filed. | 32.  Houston Texas  July 16. 1867  Directs Capt. Steamer Whitaker to afford colored members of Board of Registers, first class passage in every particular, They paying the regular 1st class passage, |