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| Jan. 3 | Patterson. Henry. * f.m.  Filed. | 83.  Wallisville, Texas. Dec. 26. 1866.  States that James B. Eaton and George Till entered his store and beat him terribly and carried off his pistol. States the civil authorities were unable to arrest the parties and asks assistance. |

| Jan. 8 | Pease. W. B. * Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 84.  Houston. Texas. Jan. 7. 1867.  Transmits report of Mr. Wiggins, Atty. in case of John A. Hamilton. Alex. (f.m.) has died. |

| Jan. 12 | Pease, W. B. * Capt. & S.A.C.  Filed. | 85.  Houston. Texas. Jan. 12. 1867.  Reports that no fees have been collected by his clerk except such as are authorized by Gen. Ord. No. 1. Jan. 1. 1867. |

| Jan. 21 | Pease. W. B. Capt. & S.A. Comr.  See E.B. page. 268. | 86.  Houston. Texas. Jan. 19. 1867.  States a freedman named Alex. made a verbal contract with a Mr. [[Fowser?]] to furnish him a number of hands from Galveston and furnished him $20 in addition to transportation and has learned that he has been drunk about Galveston and spent all the money. Asks that he (Alex.) be compelled to return to Houston. States Capt. Sterrett can give information concerning him. |

| Feb'y 1. | Pease W. B. Capt. & S.A. Comr.  See E.B. page. 275, | 87.  Houston. Texas Jany 24" 1867  Reports that "Dick Perkins" had escaped by sliping past Sentinel in the dark on night of Jan'y 28" 1867. Suggests that a reward be offered, for him, |

| Feby 2 | Pease W.B.  Capt and S.A. Comr.  See EB 277 | 88  Houston Tex  Feby 1, 1867  Relating to Claim of Richard Jarvis (Freedman ) Vs. N.O. and Tex R.R. Co. Seizes a passenger Car for security until the arrival of the President of the Road and further instructions from Hd. Qrs of Bureau.  Hempstead Tex Feby 5, 1867 |

| Feby 14 | Pease, W.B.  Capt. and SA Comr  See E.B. page 285  |  89  Houston Texas Feby 13th 1867  Asks that Capt Warren 17th Infy now on duty at that post be assigned to duty as Sub Asst Comr as an assistant to him, to enable him to comply with  Cir Co. 1 C.C. from Bu for Texas |

| Feby 13 | Pease, W.b. Capt and SA Comr  See E.B. page 286  |  90  Houston Texas Feby 12th 1867  Encloses affidavit of Henry Billis (f.m.) and case Henry Willis v.s. F R Lubbick concerning some dattle horses &c. Asks instructions relative to the same and that affidavit returned. |

| Feby 17 | Pease Capt. W.B.  SA Comr. See E.B. page 289 | 91  Houston Texas Feby 16th 1867  Asks instructions in case of 3 orphan children (freed) who are very destitute and whose only relation is not able to support them |