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[[ 3 columned table ]]
| When Received. 1867 | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Mar 19th | Pease W. B. Capt. * & Sub Asst Comr.  Filed | 113 | Houston Texas March 11th 1867  States that he has colledted 98 75/100 dollars from Supt. of R.Road. for (F.M.) Richard Jarvis State he will be in Galveston in a few days and bring the money with him. |
| Feby 25 | Pitmann A.M.K. * Filed | 114 Galveston Texas Febry 15th 1867 Asks for a position in the Bureau as clerk. |

| Feby 25 | Plummer L. C. Lt S.A.C. * Filed | 115  Prarie Lea TExas Feb 20th 1867 Reports his arrival asks full instructions to act as a S.A.C. he having assumed that duty. |

| Mar 9 | Pease W. B. S.A. Com * Filed | 116 Houston Texas March 8 1867 Transmits quadruplicate contracts approved by him Febry 1867. |

| Jany 30th | Porter Byron Sub Asst Comr * Filed | 117 Austin Texam January 25th 1867 Submits his report of [[?]] to Columbus, La Grange & Bastrop, particularly reports upon the manner in which the business of S.A.C. is transacted by Capt Coggershall at Bastrop Texas - |

| April 3 |  Pease Capt W.B. S.A. Com * (Filed) See E.B. 335 | 118 Houston Texas April 2nd 1867. Calling the attention of Maj Genl Griffin to the case of James Jackson an indigent f.m. and discharged soldier, who is entirely crippled with palsy; and who desire to be sent to his friends in New York. City |

[[ 3 columned table ]]
| When Received. 1867 | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| April 3 | Porter Byron S.A.C. See EB. P 337. | 119 Bastrop Texas. March 30 1866 States that Joyn Catchings (white Citizen) was found murdered on the road, near the [[?]] between Bastrop and Caldwell Counties, on the 14th inst. it is surmised that he was made away with by a band of Desperadoes, he was an important witness in a timber stealing case, no trace of the murderer as yet |

| April 12 | Potts John H. U.S. Com * filed with S214 See E.B. P 329 | 120 Leon County Texas March 18th 1867  Makes charge against Fred W Kinhard S.A.C. in Leon Co Texas for neglect of duty generally {Six enclosures} |

|   | Mayer A. H. Sub. Asst. Com See E.B. p 350 | 121 Liberty Texas April 17th 1867 Returns papers in case of Gus McComber who assaulted wit intent to kill John Legue F M { four enclosures } |

| April 16 | Plummer Lt S.C. S.A.C. See E.B. p 352 | 122 Prairie Lea Texas April 4th 1867 Asks information of the Cotton sold by Thos Hale to Arthure H Eddey in Galveston on a/c of A H Head a Liverpool mercht as to whether the same was sold by the bulk or by the lbs cannot make settlement unless he has this information |

| April 19th | Plummer S.C. 1" Lieut 26" US Int S.A.C. Referred to Lieut A H. M Taylor aaag District of Texas | 123 Head Qrs Port of Prarie Lea Caldwell Co April 9th 1867  Requests that 10 horses be furnish his command in order to enable him to more effectually discharge the duties of his office, as a precedent has been given by the furnishing Bvt. Maj. G.W Smith 35" U.S. Inftry with 10 horses. |