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| April 19th | Plummer, 1st Lt. SC Sub. Asst. Coms, Prarie Lea  Referred to Lieut. AH.M. Taylor. A.A.A.G Dist of Texas. Ap'l 19th 67 | 124.  Head Qrs Post of Prairie Lea Prairie Lea Texas April 9th 1867 States that he arrested a man named Green Alford for a murder in 1865 - and released him upon ascertaining that he was under bond to the Civil authority. Requests to be informed if he has jurisdiction in matter as the man is about leaving that portion of the State. |
| April 19th | Peterson, Lieut. HC 2d Lt. 26th U.S. Infantry April 19th April 19th Referred to Lieut. A.H.M. Taylor AAA.G. Dist. of Texas | 125. Head Quarters Post of Prairie Lea Prairie Lea Texas April 9th 1867 Reports information relative to the murder and murderers of Catchings. Copy of Extract from E.M. B. sent accompanying April 19th 1867. |
| April 22d | Porter, Byron Sub. Asst. Coms  April 22d Returned - action approved. By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl Griffin 1st Lt & AAAG | 126. Bastrop. Texas Apl. 18th 67 States that the man Bell was tried before the Bastrop Co. Court the first week in April and acquitted of both Charges. He then investigated the matter and fined him $50, which he paid after being in prison 2 hours. |
| April 26th | Porter, Byron * Sub. Asst. Coms.  (Filed) | 127. Bastrop. Apl. 20th 1867 Reports in case of Wm J.A. Bell who was shot about year ago by Bell's fm Willie, who succeeded in eluding the authorities, but returned a short time since. | 
| April 27th | Porter, Byron Captain and Sub. Asst. Coms. (See EB P. 369.) | 129. Bastrop. Apl. 24th 1867 Requests 3 days leave of absence to visit Austin Texas. | 
| April 27th | Porter, Byron * Captain and Sub. Asst. Coms. filed with P 182 (See EB P 369) | 128. Bastrop, Texas. Apl. 24/67 Forwards contracts in case of Dr. J.H. Lane Bastrop, and certain freeman. (Contracts ABC) |

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