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| Jan. 9. | Rugeley. John. *  See E.B. page 250. | 47.  Matagorda. Texas Dec. 31. 1866. States that John M. Barbour has been acting as Agent of Bureau for Matagorda County under an appointment of Capt. Rand. Asks that he be continued. |

| Jan. 8 | Randlett. N H. Capt. & S.A.C. See E.B. page 248. | 48.  Courtney. Texas. Jan. 5. 1867.  Reports circumstances of murder of Simeon a freedman. Supposed to have been committed by a man named Robert Muldren. (Two enclosures.) |

| Jan. 19 | Russell, W. H. See E.B. page 258. | 49.  La Grange. Texas Dec. 28. 1866.  Wishes transportation for 50 freedmen from other states to work on his plantation in Fayette Co. Texas of 600 acres. References - Ranger & Co. Galveston. Tex. |

|   | Rand. Chas. F. * Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 50.  Matagorda. Tex. Oct. 29. 1866.  Appoints John M. Barbour an Agent of the Bureau for Matagorda County. |

| Jan. 5 | Rock. William H. * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 51.  Richmond Texas. Jan. 3. 1867.  Makes a general report of the condition of affairs. |

| Jan. 12 | Ruttkay. A. & Co. *  Filed. | 52.  Galveston. Texas. Jan. 12. 1867.  State they have bought 76 bales of cotton of Mann & McMorris & advanced $2500 on same. Mann & McMorris having failed a Mr. Underwood who formerly owned the cotton & fearing he will be a loser, as a last resort, had it seized by the Bureau under the plea that the freedmen have an interest in it. Ask that the cotton be turned over to them. |

| Jan. 13 | Ruttkay. A. & Co. *  Filed. | 53.  Galveston. Texas. Jan. 13. 1867.  State the condition of the 76 bales of cotton which they have purchased of Mann & McMorris and which Mr. Underwood has had seized by the Bureau under the plea that freedmen are interested in the same. |

| Jany 26 | Renyolds Wm See EB page 272. See EB pg 472 | 54 Little Rock. Ark. Jany 5th 1867. States that Jack Reynolds (f.m.) who is working for him at Dover Pope Co. Ark. has 4 or 5 children who are Kept by Thomas A. Howell of Dallas Dallas Co. Texas, without his concent and who refuses to give them up. Asks assistance of the Bureau to get his children from Dallas to Dover. States that Mr Seedford is coming from Dallas in the spring and is willing to bring them if put in possession and protected. |

| Feby 26 | Rand. Chas. F. Capt & S.A. Comr See E.B. page 275. | 55. Marshall Texas Jany 24 1867. Asks if the General apprentice Law of the last legislature of Texas is to be recognized by Agents of the Bureau. |

| Jany 29 | Rand. Chas. F Capt & S.A.C. See E.B. page 275. | 56. Marshall Texas Jany 8th 1867 Enquires how freedpeople (paupers) are to be cared for, when there is not money enough in hands of Coms of County. Harrison Co is in that condition and Commissioners threaten to turn all black paupers out of the Poor House. States that if they do he proposes to arrest the Officers and impose a fine for benefit of freedpeople. |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-08 21:25:12