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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 25 | Reinhard. F. W. * Late Capt. U.S. Vols.  Filed. | 132. 2  Galveston. Texas. Aug. 25. 1866.  Applies for position as Agent. |

| Aug. 30 | Ragsdale. N. H *  Filed. | 133. 2  Dickinson Bayou. Tex. Aug. 22. 1866.  Makes Statement in reference to freedman Allen. |

| Sept. 14 | Reinhard, F. W. * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 134. 2.  Centreville, Texas. Sept. 14. 1866.  Reports arrival on Sept. 5, and asks if he may take cognizance of cases arising in other counties when there are no Agents. |

| Sept. 17 | Rand. Chas. F. Bvt. Capt. & S.A. Comr  Filed. | 135 2  Matagorda. Texas. Sept. 17. 1866  Reports that no murders have been committed in his Dist., but upon which action has been taken. |

| Sept. 22 | Rock. Wm H. * Lieut. & S.A. Comr  Filed. | 136 2  Richmond. Texas. Sept. 19. 1866.  Reports condition of affairs in his Dist. |

| Sept. 27 | Rand, Chas. F. * Capt. & S.A.C.  Filed. | 137. 2  Matagorda. Texas. Sept. 24, 1866.  Reports that no murders have been committed in that Co. since the close of the rebellion. |

| Oct. 3 | Rock. W. H. * Lt. & S.A.C.  Filed. | 138 2  Richmond, Texas Oct. 2. 1866.  Asks if Miss Appleton desires her trunk. |

| Oct. 5 | Reinhard, F. W. * SubAsst. Comr  Filed. | 139. 2  Centreville. Texas. Sept. 29, 1866.  States he will at once prepare a report of murders and outrages committed in his District. |

| Oct. 5 | Rand, Chas. F. * Capt. & S.A.C.  Filed. | 140. 2  Matagorda. Texas. Oct. 1. 1866  Transmits Returns for September. 1866. |

| Oct. 16 | Rock, W. H. Lt. & S.A. Comr  Filed. | 141. 2  Richmond, Texas. Oct. 12. 1866.  Forwards Reports of murders and outrages committed in his District. |

| Oct. 22 | Rock. W. H. * Lt. & S.A. Comr  Filed. | 142. 2  Richmond. Texas. Oct. 19. 1866.  Reports that a young man named Adam Neal committed an assault with intent to kill upon the person of a freedman named Ishmael who has since died. |

| Oct. 23 | Rand. Chas. F. * Capt. & S.A. Comr  Filed. | 143. 2  Matagorda. Texas. Oct. 20. 1866.  States that a freedwoman was [[strikethrough]] tied [[/strikethrough]] tried at Dist. Court for an attempt to kill a man named Shortbridge. The jury could not agree so she was remanded until next term of court. |

| Nov. 1 | Reinhard. F. W. * Sub-Asst. Comr  Filed. | 144. 2  Centreville. Texas. Oct. 24. 1866.  Reports in case of John Collins. |

Transcription Notes:
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