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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

|   | Buckholts. John. A & 9. Others. *  [FILED AT END OF B's] | Milam. Co. Texas. 1867.  Request the appointment of Z. H. Peters as Bureau Agent for that County. |

| October 8. | Garretson Charles Lieut. * AAQM &c  [FILED AT END OF G's] | Galveston. Texas. September 18. 1867.  States that in addition to his multifarious duties in the Bureau, he is Post & Depot Q.M. at Galveston and is unable to do justice to both Bureau & Army  Requests therefore to be relieved from further. duty as A.A.Q.M. & D.O. for the Bureau. |

|   | McGinnis O A. * Atty.  [FILED AT END OF M's] | Sumpter Texas. Oct 23, 1867.  Forwards affidavits of Emily Massey f.w.c who states that she cannot get justice from the Agent of the Bureau for Angelina County. |

|   | Ramsey G. A.  [* FILED AT END OF R's] | Houston. Texas. October 1867.  States that after being tried before the Recorder of the city, he was arrested by the S.A.C. at Houston and fined |

|   | Rolfe A. F. N. Sub. Asst. Comr  [* FILED AT END OF R's] | Austin. Texas. Nov. 13. 1868.  Reports for duty in the Bureau of R.F.&A.L. State of Texas in obedience to orders from H'd Qurs. B.RF &c Washington D.C. |

| Nov 1 | Sinclair W H. * Inspector  [FILED AT END OF S's] | Galveston. Texas. October. 31. 1867.  States that he has received no orders. asks if there are any for him. also that he supposes he ought to accompany Headquarters to Austin but has no orders |

| Aug 28 | Sinclair W. H. Inspector | Galveston. Texas. Aug. 24. 1868.  Encloses a letter from Mr Campbell relating to papers published throughout the State. such being impediments to reconstruction |

| Nov 12. | Stiles Chas C. * Sub. Asst Comr  [FILED AT END OF S's] | Belton. Texas. Oct. 24. 1867.  States that there are only three men on duty at that place while on the Roster he is credited with twelve. Request that more troops be sent there. |