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| April 18, | Spaulding, Harlan. P, * Com.d.g Post of Victoria 7" U.S.C.T, | 4,  Hd Qrs Post of Victoria Victoria Texas_ April 13" 1866,  States that a f.m. named Lee killed a man named Joseph McCllellan, a nephew of his employer, Samuel Powell, of Matagorda, Co. Texas, and had delivered himself up to him for trial,

Circumstances, McClellan was obliged to leave the country last fall on account of ill treatment of Freedmen upon Powells Plantation,. Haywood brother of Lee left the Plantation at the sametime and gave him facts regarding McClellan who did not return untill he (Spaulding) was ordered away from Matagorda, Haywood returned a short time since to assist Lee, in attending Powell's stock, on Sunday 8th Inst, Haywood and little brother, (with permission from Mrs Powell) left the stock Ranch to visit their Mother at the Plantation, After a short time they went to a neighbouring Plantation when McClellan followed them and whipped them both, Lee asked Mrs Powell and Mr White (overseer) why they allowed McClellan to do such things  they replied they could not help it, While Lee was bringing back his brothers McClellan packed up and bade all good.-bye, Lee was also employed by Crothers and started to move his Mother to Crothers (with Mrs Powells permission) to prevent further trouble, He first started to carry a borrowed Gun home, as he was mounting his horse, McClellan came up  He said what made you whip my brothers, McClellan said "get of [off] and hitch your horse I want to see you" Lee dismounted and stood holding his horse with one hand and his Gun near the muzzel with the other,

Continued,  See E.B. Page 17,

McClellan dismounted and hitched his horse and came within ten steps of Lee and said "I did wrong did I, drew his Revolver and fired at Lee twice. Lee pumped back at first shot, at the second levelled his gun and shot McClellan dead, Lee then came to Victoria dilivered himself up and asked for a trial  two white men came with him for fear he would be killed, McClellan. when whipping the boys was told by a neighbour that he was doing wrong and that he would get into trouble about it, replied "I don't care a God Damn for the Yankees or his brother. I am a man, I am"
Had the facts from a white man who remained to gather the evidence,
Lee is more than half white and very intelligent, Asks what he will do with Lee, will keep him untill he receives some instructions, does not think he would get a fair trial in Matagorda, County from Civil Courts, |

| April 24 | Sloan, Richard, Matagorda, Texas  See E.B. Page 18, | 5,  Matagorda. Texas April 4" 1866,  Asks for protection for himself as Teacher of Freedmen's schools &c at Matagorda, states that he is insulted and threatened. |

|   | Speed. James. Atty General | Attorney Generals Office. June 22 1865.  Gives opinion as to whether it is the duty of the Comr BRF&AL, to take charge of all abandoned & confiscated Lands |

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