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| May 2 | Shelby J.O, Esq S.A. Comr  See E.B. page 201 | 5.  Liberty Texas April 28" 1866.  Transmits evidence and decision in case of Caesar Latour V.S. Stombridge and Wife, decides in favor of plaintiff and asks that decision be Approved or disapproved, as case was appealed to Hd Qr B, at Galveseton. but has not heard of result, |

| April 20, | Sperry A. M, *  Filed, | 6.  Brownsville Texas_ April 10" 1866,  Reports station and reason for delay, also condition of "Christian Commission," &c, |

| April 20 | Sperry, A. M, *  Filed, | 7.  Brownsville Texas March 27" 1866,  Copy of letter to Judge Powers in reference to Abandoned property at Brownsville- &c, |

| May 3' | Shelby. J. O.  See E_B_ Page_ 21_ | 8  Liberty Texas. April 30" 1866_  Asks that provision be made for certain Infirm and helpless Freedpeople in Liberty County_ | 

| May 3, | Shelby. J. O,  See E.B page 21_ | 9.  Liberty, Texas. April 30" 1866_  States case of Mary (f.w.) she was promised to be made heir of her old Master if she remained with him untill his death. but he was killed without making the matter Secure. Asks what she is entitled to as Compensation, | 

| May 7, | Shelby. J. O, Esq, S.A Comr  See E.B. page. 34, | 10  Liberty, Texas May 1st 1866,  Asks instructions as to disposition to be made of Minor Freed Children, orphans, &c &c, |

| May 10 | Saylor, Lieut A. J.  See E.B. page 25 & 26. | 11,  Hallettsville, Texas_ May 2nd 1866,  Asks information as to how he is to pay for Office rent &c &c, |

| May 12, | Saylor, Lieut. J. A. S.A. Comr  See E.B. page, 39, | 12,  Headquarters. B.R. &c Hallettsville, Texas, May. 7" 1866,  Asks what disposition to make of Freedboy running about the streets, brought there by the soldiers, also what steps he shall take to induce Freedmen to keep their contracts, and what he shall do in case of a helpless Negro woman very old, |

| May 26 | Smith. G. W, Judge Dist. Court,  See E.B. page, 37, & 49. | 13,  Columbus. May 14/66,  Furnishes transcript from Records of Dist. Court. Spring term, in case of Tom, a freedmen arrested for receiving a prisoner from the Sheriff, and released by armed men under the direction of Lieut Goodman, S.A. Comr B.R. &c, |

| May 26. | Sloan, Capt. Saml C,  See E.B. page, 42, | 14.  Richmond, Texas, May 22nd 1866,  States that he has been assaulted by one Dr Bush Bell, a Citizen of Fort Bend, County, Texas, and his life threatened for failing to give Satisfaction to said Bell while acting in his Official position also requests that authorizing him to arrest said Bell and forward him to Galveston under guard, to answer before a Mil. Com. &c Believing an example is necessary &c, |

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