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| May 28, | Saylor, Lieut. J. Albert,  See E.B. page, 42, | 15,  Hallettsville. Texas, May 22nd 1866,  Requests permission to visit Galveston on important Official Business_ |

| May 31" | Smith Francis, M,  See E.B. page, 46, | 16,  Marshall. Texas, May 16" 1866,  Asks to be employed as Clerk in Bureau R.F. &c. at Marshall Texas, |

| June 4 | Sprague, Brvt Maj. Gen. Asst. Comr  See E.B. page, 51, and 100 | 17.  Little Rock. Ark, May 15th 1866,  Reports to Gen. Howard that Capt Abell, Supt &c at Fort Smith, Ark, Says that great numbers of freedmen from Texas come there in a destitute condition and report that Anarchy and despotism reign, numbers have shot &c, &c, |

| June 4" | Smith, George, *  (Filed.) See E.B. page, 52, | 18,  Guadalupe. County Texas  Makes Affidavit against Wm Longworth, S.A. Comr. B.R.F. &c &c, |

| May 28, | Sloan, Capt. S. C,  See E.B. 54, | 19.  Richmond. Texas, May 14" 1866,  States that the Collector of Taxes has called upon him to assist him in Collecting $1 50/100 poll tax from each freedman, States that Govr Hamilton has approved the Ordinance and supposes it is "all right" but asks instructions, |

| April 27. | Savage, Merrill' * late 1st Lieut. 9" Regt 1st A.C,  (Filed) | 20,  Gardiner, Maine, April 14" 1866,  Makes application for a situation in the Bureau in this State, | 

| April 28, | Sloan. S.C, * Capt and S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 21.  Richmond Texas April 26" 1866  Reports that a Freedman named Henry Mathews for sometime under contract and in the employ of Capt S. C. Hendon, left the employ of said Hendon without provocation and went to Galveston, Ask that he be returned Hendon, |

| April 28 | Sperry. A. M, *  (Filed) | 22,  Brownsville, Texas April 24th 1866,  States that a recurrence of his illness prevents his return, has taken no action in any cases coming within the Jurisdiction of the Bureau. Hears that Francis Ytheria has applied to President Johnson for Pardon, |

| May 3. | Shelley. J. O, S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 23,  Liberty, Texas April 29" 1866,  Reports the killing of a Freedman in that County a few days ago. and from what he can learn without the least provocation. The Sheriff was immediately dispatched and arrested the offender, but returned saying he had escaped from the Guard, Also that the freedmen are doing very well, though anticipating much trouble in the settlement of their accounts with planters, |

| May 2, | Shelby. J, O. *  (Filed) | 24.  Liberty' Texas April 30th 1866,  Asks for a squad of 8 or 10 troops with an Officer to act as Sub. Asst Comr pro tem to assist him in the performance of his duties, States that the schoolmistress has been sent away from her boarding-house and stand |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-04 10:34:28