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| June 25, | Saylor. Lieut. J. A,  See E.B. page 4 | 34.  Hallettsville Texas June 20th 1866,  Respectfully Forwards Bill of Dr Moore for attendance upon a wounded Freedman, also Bill for Board for Same freedman due H. Obedgownar, (Two enclosures) |

| June 24 | Starr, Maj. S. H.  See. E.B. page. 75. & 80, | 35.  Houston, Texas. June 26th 1866,  Encloses Statement of Judge Advocate with regard to Jack Givens. charged with Murder. Some of the witnesses having been Murdered, asks whether or not the prisoner should be released. |

| July 13 | Starr. Major 6th Cav. (U.S.)  See E.B. page, 87. | 36.  Houston, Texas. July 9th 1866,  State that in the opinion of the Mil. Comr that if the Witnesses in Case of Jack Givens, Salina and Peter. (freedpeople) go home they will certainly be Murdered, think they and families should be sent elsewhere, Say New Orleans. |

| July 16, | Saylor, Lieut. J. A.,  See E.B. page, 90. | 37  Hallettsville Texas July 12th 1866,  States that a white woman named Elizabeth A. Boyd, wishes to be Sent her home in Jacksonville. Ills, has no Money, and has been Sick, |

| June 7. | Sanger, L. H, * Capt 17th U.S. Infty  (Filed.) | 38.  Millican Texas June 6th 1866,  States that he attends to necessary business. Complaints, &c himself. |

| June 15. | Sprague, * J. W. Brvt Maj. Genl  (Filed) | 39.  Little Rock, Ark, June 5th 1866,  Acknowledges receipt of letter of 19th Ult. States they have no Agency at or near Frankfort, Mo. but will do all they can to obtain information of Son of Freedwoman, |

| July 19, | Sanger, Capt. 17th U.S. Inf.  See E.B. page 93. | 40  Millican Texas, July 15th 1866,  Reports his action in case of Watson vs. f.m, Cass, for breach of Contract, who was induced by Wm Brosse to afterwards Contract with him. Fined Brosse $25. |

| July 29. | Sheorn, Chas,  See E.B. page, 113, 116, | 41.  Houston. Texas, July 26th 1866,  Request to be allowed to move the Shed built by C.S. Govt (So. called) upon their ground. &c &c |

| Aug. 4, | Steele, J. M, Late Lt. Col. 113th U.S.C.S.  See. E.B. page. 114, | 42  Little Rock. Ark, July 20th 1866,  States that in August 1864, three Sons of Jackson Smith named, Tom, Rufus and Billy, aged 13. 10. & 8 years, were taken from residence of Wilson Hays, Dover, Pope Co. Ark, and carried to Texas,  Has information that two of three were seen about a year since 40 miles below Clarksville. Red. River. Co, Texas, Requests assistance of Bureau and that they be sent to their father who is deserving, &c, |

| Aug 4. | Sinclair. Wm H, Brvt Col. and A.A, Genl  See E.B. page, 114, | 43.  Galveston, Texas July 19th 1866,  Encloses order to R. Talbot from Mr Carter and asks by what authority said order was issued. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 10:52:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 12:31:25 Not sure if it is Capt Sanger at numbers 38 and 40 -- previous transcriber wrote Sauger, but I changed to Sanger because it looked like an "n" as used in other words