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| March 28 | Smith George M  S.A C. Bvt Maj  See E.B. p 356. | 187  San Augustine Texas March 12th 1867  States that last November the County Court of this place bound to W W Horton two freed boys who were in his possession. Their parents ar dead but their brothers & Grandparents still live with him & do not wish to leave them & would like to get the two boys back  asks that he may get an order for the return of the Boys |
| April 19th | Shelby, J. Orville  Referred to Bvt Maj Genl E M. Gregory. Asst. Comr for State of Maryland April 19" '67 (See EB P. 383) | 188  Liberty Texas April 9th 1867  States he was on the 9th day of February 1866. appointed Agent of the Bureau by Genl Gregory then Asst. Comr for Texas — and relieved on the 16th of August 1866, by Genl Kiddoo — and encloses letter from Genl Kiddoo, stating that the reason he was relieved was that he understood he had been a Surgeon in the Confederate Army, and could not take the Oath of Office, consequently could not be paid, and he did not want agents to serve who could not be paid, also states that he was well known, to be a staunch Union man, and was imprisoned by rebel authorities for his opinions. Never rendered the Confederacy any service but what he was forced to do — and can conscientiously take the Oath — Requests to be paid for his services as Agent of the Bureau, as others who served for the same period were paid. |

| April 19th | Smith & Gregory Messrs ([[Communion? Communica'?]])  Returned to Messrs Smith & Gregory. stating as soon as a Teacher could be obtained - She would be sent. | 189  Independence Washington Co. April 16th 1867  Requesting that a Female teacher be supplied them for the instruction of the Children of Freedman in their Employ stating that they will board and otherwise supply the wants of a Teacher, and request that one be sent at once. |


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| April 20" | Sloan, Richard *  (Filed) | 190  Fort Sullivan Texas April 8th 1867  Requests that his expenses be paid out of the School Fund, not having received any compensation for his Services. |

| April 20 | Stina, Shapa (Freedman) See E.B.P. 359 | 191.  Galveston Texas April 20" 1867  States that he lives in Liberty Co. Texas, has a wife and 7 children, that his Mother in Law lives with him, that he is in poor circumstances, and cannot well support his motherin Law. that she has 4 sons doing well, one in Galveston, and 3 in Liberty C.o. asks that they be required to contribute to the support of their mother. |

| April 24 | Stevens, P. Lieut and S.A. Comr B R.F and A L.  (See EB. P. 363) | 192.  Hallettsville Apl 18" 1867  States his reception of communication from Hd. Qrs B R.F. & A.L. Galveston, ordering him to proceed to Columbus at his earliest convenience, and make an inspection in compliance with Manl Pages 11 & 12. and states the fare to be 11 Specie by stage thence — wants to know whether he could collect the expenses at Columbus without Special Orders from Hd. Qrs Galveston &c. |

| April 29" | Stevens. Phineas S.A. Comr  (See EB P 372) | 193.  Hallettsville, Tex. Apl 24" 1867  Acknowledges receipt of private Circular directing him to furnish in a Tabular form a list of murders &c. that have occurred in the Dt of Victoria. Wishes to know if he shall return to Victoria to obtain the desired information |

| April 29 | Smith Geo. W. Bvt Maj. U.S.A. Sub. A. Comr (EB 371) (EB 379) | 194.  L. 194. & 198  Seguin, Texas April 12th 1867  Reports the feeling among the whites in his command relative to the negro. and his education. states the best site and building — a Church not constructed — land owned by one "Neill" in Galveston is the only one suited for both Church and School and furthermore states that the work has yet to be done here, as the Freedmen are of the most illiterate stamp. Not one of either sex being able to teach. |

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