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| Aug. 12, | Tarus, W,  See E.B. page, 129, | 5,  Providence R.I, July 24th 1866,  Calls attention to his letter of 9th Inst, in relation to the Govt Tannery at San Antonio, Texas of which he is the lessee, Is anxious to return to Texas, and would Gen. Howard's decision before starting, |

| Aug. 17 | Thomas Saml A.A.A. Genl  E.B. page. 155, Referred to Capt Wright A.Q.M. for reports. | 6,  Washington. D.C, August 13th 1866,  Invites attention to Section 12 of late Bureau Bill, and Calls for full report of all lands in this Dist, in accordance with its provisions, so that property may be disposed of by law, |

| Aug 26 | Thorp. John L,  See E.B. page, 140, & 149, | 7.  Caney Texas, August 21st 1866,  States his hands refuse to obey his orders, and think they are as good as he is, The Agent at Matagorda can do nothing for him, and he wishes a copy of order compelling the frauds to pay a fine of a Dollar for each day lost, as he understands the Agent for Brazoria County has been giving such orders, | 

| Aug 29. | Thomas. Saml A.A.A. Genl  See E.B. 143. | 8,  Washington. D.C, August 20th 1866,  States that it has appeared in several Northern papers, that an Agent of the Bureau named "Lawrence" has been murdered in Texas, Gen. Howard directs that a statement of its truth or falsity be forwarded, |

| Sept 4 | Trotter. T. E, Brvt Brig. Genl  See E.B. 148, | 9  Chattanooga. Tenn. July 27th 1866,  Understands that Lt Hardenbrook V.R.C, has made application to be relieved from duty in Texas on account of ill health,
If the application is granted, requests that he be assigned to duty in his Dist, |

| Octr 30 | Throckmorton. J. W, Govr of Texas,  See EB. page 195. See E.B. page. 183, | 10,  Austin. Texas Octr 25th 1866,  Acknowledges receipt of communication from Liberty in case of Convict Wm Ryburn, f.m, of 17th Inst, and states that before taking action in the case will require record of indictment and statements of evidence, |

| Novr 2. | Throp. J. L,  See E.B. page, 187, | 11,  Caney P.O. Texas, Octr 27th 1866,  Asks if contracts made with freedmen in other states will be approved in Texas, and if Govt Transportation will be furnished to Texas for freedmen so contracted with, |

| Novr 1. | Throckmorton. J. W, Govr of Texas,  See EB. page, 185, | 12,  Austin Texas. Octr 29th 1866,  Directs that James Gillespie Esq, Supt of Penitentiary to furnish Genl Kiddoo with information as to number of freedmen confined there &c. &c and send copies to him, |

| Novr 3. | Thompkins. J. L.  Forwarded to Genl Howard. Nov 3/66. See T. 34. Letters Received. | 13.  Galveston. Texas. Novr 3 1866,  Proposes to bring out and give employment to 150 freedmen and their families if Transportation & Rations be furnished by Govt |

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