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[[3 Columned Table]]
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| Feby 1 | Throckmorton J. W. * Gov State of Texas  Filed | 49  Austin Texas January 28th 1867  Acknowledges receipt of a letter from Genl Kiddoo relative to the treatment of a freedman in Wharton Co Jail. And encloses a copy of his letter to the County Judge  One Enclosure |  

| Jany 1 | Taylor Lt A. H. M. AAA Genl *  Filed | 50  Galveston Texas December 28th 1866  Encloses copy of circular letter which he desires sent to the Agents of the Bureau that one Alvin Cobb may be discovered & arrested  one Enclosure |

| Jany 6 | Taylor Lt A H M A.A.A. Genl *  Filed | 51  Galveston Texas January 6" 1867  Furnishes copy of Telegram of Genl Sheridan relieving Maj Lathrop from duty in the Bureau" and all Staff duty in the Dist of Texas, and ordering him to turn over all property pertaining to the Bureau to Genl Kiddoo |

| Sept 3 | Trousdale John * Major of La Grange & others_  Filed | 52  La Grange Texas Sept 1st 1866  A memorial signed by the Mayor and others of La Grange requesting that Capt Johnson Agent of Bu RF&AL will not be removed from that City ]

| 1866 Aug 30 | Throckmorton J. W. * Gov State of Texas.  Filed | 54  Austin Texas Augt 30th 1866  Telegraph regarding the fine in the McGary case at Brenham, |

| 1867 Jany 30 | Townsend E. D. * Capt Adjt Genl  Filed | 55  War Dpt Washington D.C. January 23d 1867  Requests a report whether any violation of the Act to protect all persons in their civil rights, has taken place_ |

| Feby 18 | Taylor George * Bt Col & Surg U.S.A  Filed | 57.  Galveston Texas Feby 18" 1867  Requests an order to proceed to Houston on official business & return_ |

| Feby 12 | Throckmorton J. W. * Govr of State-  Filed | 57  Austin Texas Feby 8th 1867  Encloses copy of letter from Capt Manning SA Comr at Waco Texas to Consul of Dr Bell_  One Enclosure |

| Feby 11 | Throckmorton. J. W. * Govr of State-  Filed | 58  Austin Texas Feby 7th 1867  Acknowledges receipt of Sub Comr reports_ and requests that he be furnished with similar ones from all the Agents_ |

| Feby 14 | Taylor George * Bt Lt Col USA & Surgeon in Chief  Filed. | 59  Galveston Texas Febry 14th 1867  Requests to be furnished with S.O No. 1 to 14. and circulars No 1 to date - issued from Bu RF&.AL. |

| Feby 28 | Thornton J. J.  See EB Page 301 | 60  San Antonio Texas Febry 22nd 1867  States that Mrs West. of Guadalupe Co had a slave woman who died before the war leaving a boy 10 yrs of age, that she made a will before the war enjoining upon him as executor to keep him until 21 years of age, then take him to a free state and set him free, and give him $100.00 and that since the close of the war the boys father has taken him and as he has a large family and Mrs West. being a good woman and much attached to him (the boy) she proposes to give him an education and support him until 18 years of age then give him 3 suits of clothing and $100.00, Asks that she be allowed to keep the boy on these terms_ |