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| Mar. 1 | Werner, L.H. * Capt. 17th Inft. & Sub. Asst. Coms  Filed. | 94. Galveston, Texas. Mar. 1, 1867. Incloses report of A.F. Manning, S.A. Comr from July 1866 up to date. |

| Mar. 6 | Wright, J.A. * Filed. | 95. Crockett, Tex. Mar. 6, 1867. Represents the lawless state of that portion of the State and requests Military aid to protect the freedpeople, Union men and well disposed citizens. |

| Mar. 8 | Williamson, John Clerk Filed. * | 96. Centreville, Tex. Mar. 8, 1867. Makes a brief report of affairs in general. |

| Mar. 24 | Williamson, John Clerk * Filed. | 97. Centreville, Tex., Mar. 19, 1867. Reports the condition of affairs. |

| Mar. 31 | Wooters & Alrich * Filed. | 98. Crockett, Tex., Mar. 25, 1867. Inclose memoranda & letter to Capt John Smith. |

| Mar. 28 | Wheelock, E.M. * Inspector of Schools  Filed. | 99  Galveston, Mar. 28, 1867.  Recommends that Miss Adda L. Chiltenden be appointed teacher at Columbus and that the present teacher there be sent to Hallettsville. There are at present 4 teachers unemployed teachers in this city under pay. |

| April 8 | Williamson John * Clerk  Filed. | 100. Centreville, Tex., Apr. 3, 1867.  reports bad condition of affairs; the Post Office is in disloyal hands &c. |

| April 10 | Williamson, John * Clerk  Filed. | 101. Centreville, Tex., Apr. 4, 1867. Acknowledges receipt of appointment, orders &c. Wishes Stationery. Has forwarded his pay accounts and needs money. |


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| Apr. 11 | Williamson, John * Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 102. Fairfield, Tex. April 6, 1867.  Reports his arrival at Fairfield en-route for Corsicana. Is trying to find out concerning the murder of Mr. Davis. | 

| Apr. 6 | Wheelock, E.M. * Inspector F.S. Filed. | 103  Galveston, Texas. April 6, 1867.  States the teacher appointed for Hallettsville declines. Recommends that Jennie N. Dunlavy be sent. |

| May 6 | White, Rich. J. * Filed. | 104. Wheelock, Tex. Apr. 30, 1867.  Gives a statement of the facts in regard to the decision made by Col. Brown in the case of freedwoman named Angelina hired by him. Gives references. |

| Mar. 12 | Williams, P.W. Filed. * | 105. Milford, Texas. Mar. 8, 1867. Makes application for an Agency in the Bureau. |

| Apr. 7 | Welsh, Wm. A. Filed. * | 106. [1]  Victoria, Texas. April 2, 1867. Applies for a position in the Bureau. |

| Apr. 15 | Weaver, Stanton. 2nd Lieut. 20th U.S. Inft. * Filed. | 107  Jefferson, Texas. Apr. 5, 1867.  States that the freedmen in that vicinity are being murdered and desires that an Agent of the Bureau be sent there.  Writes in general of the treatment freedmen receive. |

| Apr. 24 | Whittemore, E.W. *** Capt. & S.A.C. Filed. | 108. San Antonio, Tex. Apr. 19/67.  Reports murders &c. in compliance with Circular Letter, dated March 7, 1867 |

| June 4th | Webb, G.M.T. See EMB P. 427 | 109. [1]  Fayettesville Fayette Co. Tex. May 28/67  Communication relative to the right of a negro to his share of a crop when violating contract &c  (Case mentioned.) |