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| May 24 | Wheelock, L. A. Teacher Normal School * Filed May 30th 1867 | 109.[2] Galveston, Texas May 24" 1867 Requests transportation to Ithaca, N.Y. as health is so impaired and requires some few weeks rest. |

| June 10 | Whittlesey C.H. [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] A.A.A.G June 12 Referred to Lieut Garretson. AAQM & DO | 110 War Deptment, Bur Ref F &c. June 4" 1867 App'tment as Agt. F B. Mr. Geo. Ruby |

| June 11th | Watts, Arthur J. Atty at Law. June 12 Referred to Lieut. Taylor AAAG D of T. | 111 State of Texas County of Polk } sct. Petition of Jake Miller. thro his agt. A T. Watts, atty at Law indicted for stealing - having [[confessed?]] at the [[hire?]] of his life |

| June 11th | Whittelsey H.M Chf. Qr. Mr. bu. Ref F &c June 13 Referred to Lieut: Garretson for action. | 112. War Dept. Bur. Ref. F & AL Office Chf. Qr. Mr. Washington, June 1st 1867  Forwards transportation orders in case of Mrs Sarah Ewing from Beaumont to Neoga Ill. |

| June 10 | Whittemore E.W. Capt & Bvt. Maj & SAC. June 17 Referred to Lieut Garretson AAQM & DO EB. 452 | 113  San Antonio, June 4th 1867  Invites attention to new Stationery - no station in Office. |

| June 1 | Williamson John * S.A.C. | 114. Corsicana Tex. May 23, 1867  States his non reception of pay, since his acting as S.A.C. Requests transportation may be furnished him to come to Galveston on business |

| June 21 | Whittelsey, H.M. B.B.G * | 115. War Dept. Bu RF & AL Washington June 8, 1867  Forwards transportation order No. 775, for Cinderrella Freedgirl. |
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| July 21 | Williams Adeline * | 116  Galveston Texas. July 2, 1867  States that her sister Martha is about to be taken to N.y. by Captain Chubbs. does not wish her to go. |

| July 24 | Whiting, N. Teacher. Filed E.B. 525. | 117  Galveston Tex. July 22, 1867  Requests transportation from Galveston to his home in Chicago, Ill. as he is desirous of having a vacation. States that for the period of 2½ years, he has been constantly engaged in the Education of Freedmen in the states of Louisiana & Texas. |

| 25 | Wilcox J.A. * S.A.C. Filed | 118. Fort Clark Tex. July 18, 1867  States that he has assumed the duties of S.A.C. in compliance with Dist. Cir No 3, dated Feb. 1, 1867. States there are but one or two freedmen in the vicinity. |

| July 30 | Whiting N. E & M. 516 | 119. San Antonio Tex. July 15, 1867. Applies for transportation from San Antonio to Galveston, being desirous of enjoying the vacation, offered by Circular No. 6 Bu. R.F. & A.L. June 19, 1867 |

|   | White Frank (f.m.c.) Referred to E.M. Wheelock S.A.C. Galveston Texas E.B. 527. | 120  Brazoria County Texas June 20, 1867. States that he was arrested in Galveston, for theft, was tried by a jury of Southern men, and fined $100.00/100 and costs, was sent to prison to work out his sentence, is now working for Colonel Bates, planter, who pays his earnings to the civil authorities of Galveston County  He requests that the Commanding General relieve him from the hardship imposed on him, and enable him to receive the reward of his labor. |
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