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Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, } Secretaries.
Rev. E. P. SMITH, Gen'l Field Agt.
WM. E. WHITING, Ass.t Treas'r.

American Missionary Association,

School Report for the Month of May 1869.
By E.L. Oliver & A. M. Shaw, Teachers,

Location of School, Lexington.
Name, Coan School.
Of what Grade? Not graded.
No. of Male Pupils? Forty Female? Forty Three.
Whole number of Pupils? Eighty Three.
No. who have left School? Nineteen.
No. new Pupils? Twelve.
Average Attendance? Sixty six.
No. always Present? Thirty.
No. always Punctual? Twenty six.
No. who pay Tuition? Thirty seven, have pd.
No. of White Pupils? One.
No. over Sixteen years? Ten.
No. in Primary Studies?* Twenty seven
No. in Intermediate? Twenty
No. in Advanced? Thirty six.
No. learning to Write? Fifty.
No. in Normal Class? Have none.
No. free before the War? Three
No. of Pupils in Night School? None
Where kept? None.
In what Sabbath School do you teach? Lexington Union S.S.
No. in the Sabbath School? Seventy.
How many Children and Adults, beginning with the Alphabet, have you taught to read during the School Year thus far? Ten.
How can we add to your comfort and the success of your work?

*Reckon as Primary Studies, the Alphabet, Primer, First Reader and Arithmetic and Geography in the most Elementary Books: Intermediate– Second and Third Readers, Elements of written Arithmetic and the Second Part of Geography:–Advanced–all higher branches.

Teachers are earnestly requested to keep their Register carefully, and punctually at the close of each calendar month to fill this blank and send one copy to the local Superintendent and a duplicate to this office, together with a written statement of the work for the month. Whatever interests the teacher, is always interesting and important to us: therefore the more full the account of labor among families, of progress of pupils, and of the trials and success or disappointments of their teacher, the more valuable will be the statement. Suggestions of changes and improvements in our work from our fellow laborers in the field will be thankfully received. This monthly written Statement is very important, and it is hoped the Teachers will allow no ordinary hindrance to prevent its regular coming to the Rooms of the Association.

The Teachers are requested to make such observations and inquiries as will help the Superintendent in forming an estimate of the number who have learned to read since Freedom, and the number who have been hopefully converted during the year.

This Report is not a substitute for that asked by the officers of the Freedmen's Bureau. The Blanks furnished by them should be filled and punctually forwarded according to their directions. Any teacher failing to receive such blanks from the Bureau is requested to notify this office.

Address correspondence relating to Schools and Mission Homes, to the General Field Agent, EDW. P. SMITH, American Missionary Association, N. Y.

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