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Jan., 1911.)

Office, State of} 11/10/11 191
M Freer
To American Express Company, Dr.

For Transportation of Be
From New York 
State of N Y
[[inserted]] Pastel No 20, by T W Dewing [[/inserted]]
Shipped by Small painting from Montross Gallery [[banyak?]]
Date of Shipment O K  JS. Warring Weight lbs. 

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | $ | Cts. |
| Our Charges – | --- | --- |
| Advanced Charges | --- | --- |
| Duties - - | --- | --- |
| Amount of C. O. D. | --- | --- |
| Total, | $ | .75 |

Received payment for the Company,
[[Stamp: Wm. CHAPMAN.]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-09 13:13:57