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882. One Tall Kakemono, by Husng Tzu-Chu (known as "The Crazy Hermit). Yuan. Chinese.

[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 409
3 Ch 

Painted on paper in and ink and tints. 
A mountainous landscape, many of the valleys of which are shrouded in mist. From the high valleys called "Tinn-tsu" and "Sau-pi", streams flow downward meeting and forming many water-falls; the streams being crossed by bridges in several places, including the immediate foreground. 
Many trees of different varities appear, especially  two large pines at the left. Temples, pavilions and other buildings are scattered throughout the composition, several being on piles over the water; in some of the buildings inmates are seen. Many of the hills rise precipitously from the water and have level plateaus at their tops.
At the top of the painting, an inscription gives date of picture 1342, signature and also two red seals. 
An inscription on mount consisting of three vertical lines the full length of the picture, give much interesting information; also signature with two important red seals. 
Height, 81 1/2".

Purchased from Lee Chiao San, China, while on trip during 1910/11, Journal Voucher #1 December, 1911, for Mex. $300., plus customs, frt., &c., 150.00

583. One Kakemono, by Ch'ao Ch'ang. Hung. Chinese.
(Cho-she - Japanese name.)

[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 410
3 Ch

Painted on silk in ink and tints. 
A garden scene with bold rocks and swiftly flowing stream in the foreground. 
Upon the rocks, two birds rest; above them a high embankment from which flowering plants, grasses and shrubs droop and cling. 
Signature had two seals on side at right; near two magpies.
Height. 53".

Purchased from Lee Chiao San, China, while on trip during 1910/11, Journal Voucher #1 December, 1911, for Mex. $100., plus customs, frt., &c., 50.00
Add, cost of remounting into Panel, 50.00

Transcription Notes:
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