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Committed in the State of Texas.


[[5 columned table]]
| Statement of Circumstances | By whom and when Reported | Action of Bureau | Action of Civil Authorities | County Offense was Committed in. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Endeavored to arrest him with squad of soldiers and failed. |   | Austin |

| Shot freedman. Freedman after making complaint came to Agent of Bureau and said twas not Kay that shot him Opinion of agent that freeman was hired to withdraw or rather deny any complaint. | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867. |   |   | Austin |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 |   | Bound over in sum of $3000 to appear at next term of Dist. Court. | Austin |

| Seems from evidence of white and Blk witnesses that shooting was done in self defense. | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 |   | Bound over in sum of 300.00 to appear at next term of Civil Court | Austin |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Fined him $25.00 |   | Austin |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Fined $5.00 |   | Austin |

| Unprovoked assault | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 |   | None. Reason not known except that he is a wealthy planter. | Trinity |

|   | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 |   | None. | Trinity |

| Shot him while acting in the capacity of constable | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 | Tried to arrest him but he ran away | Went through form of trial before Justice of peace and discharged. | Walker |

| Accused of committing rape on white woman | Jas. C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867. |   | No trial of the freedman before the Civil Courts and no action taken by them for hanging the freedman | Trinity |

| Said to be an unprovoked attack | Jas. C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867. |   | none whatever | Trinity |

Transcription Notes:
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