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Committed in the State of Texas.


[[5 column table]]
| Statement of circumstance[[strikethrough]]NAME[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]DATE[[/strikethrough]] | By whom Reported and when [[strikethrough]]WHEN.[[/strikethrough]] | Action of Bureau [[strikethrough]]WHERE[[/strikethrough]] | Action of Civil Authorities [[strikethrough]]SIGNATURE OF ELECTOR[[/strikethrough]] | County Offense was Committed in. [[strikethrough]]GENERAL REMARKS.[[/strikethrough]] |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Endeavored to arrest him with squad of soldiers and failed. |   | Austin |

| Shot freedman. Freedman after making complaint came to Agent of Bureau and said twas not Kay that shot him | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867. |   |   |   |

| Opinion of agent that freeman was hired to withdraw or rather deny any complaint. |   |   |   |   |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 |   | Bound over in sum of $3000 to appear at next term of Dist. Court. | Austin |

| Seems from evidence of white and Blk witnesses that shooting was done in self defense. | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 |   | Bound over in sum of 300.00 to appear at next term of Civil Court | Austin |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Fined him $25.00 |   | Austin |

|   | J.H. Archer Jan. 10th 1867 | Fined $5.00 |   | Austin |

| Unprovoked assault | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 |   | None. Reason not known [[?]] that he is a wealthy planter. | Trinity |

|   | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 |   | None. | Trinity |

| Shot him while acting in the capacity of constable | Jas C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867 | Tried to arrest him but he ran away | That through form of trial before Justice of peace and discharged. | Walker |

| Accused of committing rape on white woman | Jas. C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867. |   | No trial of the freedman before the Civil Courts and no action taken by them for hanging the freedman | Trinity |

| Said to be an unprovoked attack | Jas. C. Devine Jan. 12th 1867. |   | none whatever | Trinity |

Transcription Notes:
stopped filling in table from to Aquit section, all far side info entered Page corrected and spaced correctly. This is duplicate of page 3. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 15:19:39 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-17 12:44:18