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Committed in State of Texas = Continued

[[5 Columned Table]]
| [[strikethrough]] NATIVE. [[/strikethrough]] By whom reported and when | [[strikethrough]] NATURALIZED. HOW. [[/strikethrough]] Action of Bureau | [[strikethrough]] WHEN. [[/strikethrough]] Action of Civil Auth. | [[strikethrough]] WHERE. SIGNATURE OF ELECTOR. [[/strikethrough]] Statement of Circumstances | GENERAL REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Mr J.C.G. is a union man and is consequently obnoxious to the rebel part of the population - Has been threatened repeatedly. |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Because he did not work to suit said (WH) |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Made assault on him with a 10 foot pole and thrashed him unmercifully with it. |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Hit her with a grub and his fist afterwards - thrashed her severely |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   |   |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Because they thought he stole a quilt |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   |   |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   |   |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   |   | Was murdered so as he should not betray a theft. |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 11th 1868 |   | No action | Beat her with clubs and chairs - and did not pay her, her wages |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 14th 1868 |   |   | A cold-blooded murder |   |

| W.G. Kirkman April 14th 1868 |   | No action | Was shot - no provocation. |   |

Transcription Notes:
grub refers to a grub hoe (a.k.a. grubbing hoe)