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Committed in State of Texas = Continued

[[5 Columned Table]]
| [[strikethrough]] NATIVE. [[/strikethrough]] By whom reported and when | [[strikethrough]] NATURALIZED. HOW. [[/strikethrough]] Action of Bureau | [[strikethrough]] WHEN. [[/strikethrough]] Action of Civil Authorities | [[strikethrough]] WHERE. SIGNATURE OF ELECTOR. [[/strikethrough]] Statement of Circumstances | GENERAL REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 |   | No action | Was found dead hanging to a limb in Panola Co., near Grand Bluff. |   |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 |   | No action | Same as above |   |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 | Arrested and fined him $200 and the cost of the Marshal who arrested him |   |   |   |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 | Sent Deputy Sheriff after him but he escaped |   | Shot him because (F.M) said he could do more work than R in a day |   |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 |   | Civil action, R under bond. |   |   |

| Charles F. Rand March 1867 |   | No action |Was shot at a ball - cause was, that, he had union connections - and was in consequence obnoxious to the rebel population - Bell is a son of Dr Bell's  |   |

| A.W. Evans March 1867 |   | No action | Was shot at a ball, through the head, is not likely to live. |   |

| A.W. Evans March 1867 |   | No action | A brutal murder - Civil authorities called on - made no arrests with military. |   |

| A.W. Evans March 1867 |   | Civil authorities endeavoured to arrest the parties. | Shot at freedman; C.A. tried to arrest the party but was not successful. |   |

| A.A. Meitzner March 1867 |   |   |   |   |

| J.A. Lourie March 1867 |   | No action |  |   |

| E.M. Harris March 19th 1867 |   |   | Escaped true bill granted by last session of grand jury. |   |