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"List of Freedmen who" have been Murdered in the state of Texas since the close of the Rebellion.
[[6 columned table]]
| No., | Name of Victim. | Name of Murderer. | Where Murdered. | When.| Remarks. |
| 1 | Luke Adams. | Wm. Richard. | Bosque. Co |June 1865 | Aged 14 years. whipped to death. |
| 2 | Henry Wadling. | Wm. Richard. |  Bosque Co | Oct 1st 1865 | An old man. whipped to death.|
| 3 | Unknown. | Harrison Hendricks. | Hill Co | July 18/65. | Shot through head with Revolver. |
| 4 | Sean Holms | J B Hills & others. | Brazorra [[Brazoria]] Co | Aug 1866 | Caught Stealing a horse. started with to jail, in crossing the Brazos River he got overboard by some means. they rowed back to shore & "let him go." |
| 5 | Henry Jones. | R A Jones. | Fayette Co |May 14th 1866 | Was killed by Jones because he interfered while he (Jones RA) was whipping his (H Jones') wife. |
| 6 | Godfrey Robinson | Unknown parties. | Fayette Co | May 1866 | Killed while out herding sheep. Shot through Body and head cut off.
| 7 | Harvey Milligan | A. M. Clay. | Austin Co | --- | Tried and convicted by Military commission. |
| 8 | Unknown | BB Lee. | Austin Co | --- | Tried and convicted by Military commission. |
| 9 | Luke Woodward. | Unknown | Austin Co |   |   |
| 10 | Koie | John Echols. | Burleson Co | Dec 8th /66 | Shot, no provocation, the negro's wife was badly beaten by Echols Dec 7th 1866. |
| 11 | Marie, (fwc) | Court Brown. | Robertson Co | Jan 21st/66 | Circumstances not stated. |
| 12 | Unknown | Wm Tate | Robertson Co | July 1866 | Cold Blooded Murder. Tate has left the Country. |
| 13 | Unknown [[Note]] Father and son | -- Fields | Robertson Co | July 1866 | Cold Blooded Murder. |
| 14 | Unknown [[Note]] Father and Son | -- Fields | Robertson Co | July 1866 | Cold Blooded Murder. |
| 15 | Seaton | Armed party at night | Burleson Co | Sep 9th 1866 | Taken from custody of civil authorities. body not been found. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-15 12:54:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-15 11:31:04 **Reexamine line 4, 'where murdered.' It may say 'Brazorra' instead of 'Barzoria.' ---------- Line 4 - writer should have spelled it Brazoria, but didn't, I put a [[Brazoria]] next to misspelling. Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 08:27:39 **Line 11 may be dated as 'Jan 2nd 66' ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 11:13:11 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 09:00:24 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 12:12:12 Line 11 - date changed to Jan 21st as it looked another digit next to the 2