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Report of outrages committed upon Union Men and Freedmen in the County of Washington State of Texas from the close of the Rebellion to the present time:

[[5 columned table]]
| Name | Date | By whom committed | Extent of outrage | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Green Taylor | Apr. 28th 1866 | Jas. Halt and Wm Burton | Murdered | F.M.C.} Tried by Military Commission and acquitted |

| Joe Mayfield | Apr. 28th | Jas. Halt and Wm Burton | Murdered | F.M.C.} Tried by Military Commission and acquitted |

| Maria Mayfield | Apr. 28th | Jas. Halt and Wm Burton | Murdered | F.M.C.} Tried by Military Commission and acquitted | 

| Isaac Heddick | July 16th | Cook Jones | Murdered | F.M.C. The perpetrator escaped. |

| Ben __ | July 28th | Wm. Plaugh | Shot thro. bowels | F.M.C. No record of official proceedings to be found. | 

| Thomas Alya | Sept 9th | __ Airey | Threatened with shooting | White Mr. Thos. Alya is a native of Indiana, emigrated to this state & county prior to the Rebellion, kept out of the rebel Army until tried by a "Vigilance Committee" when he was furnished with a "hangmans noose," has always been a good Union man, was known as such and employed them in preference to others when in his power. Has been extensively engaged in the Tin and Stove business, has, in consequence of threats, sold out his business and left the county |

Jas C. Devine
Sub A.C. B.R.F. & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-15 12:14:05