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[[10 Columned Table]]
| Date | Town | Co | Name of Criminal | Name of Person attack'd | Col | Nature of Offense | Statement of Circumstance | Action of Courts | Action of Bureau.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1867. Mar 24 |   | Smith | Ty S. Williams | Wm Swanse | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Referred to Cherokee Co. Court. No information rec'd as to final action. |

| Mar 29 | Chapel Hill | Smith | Elijah Harrison | Hampton Wade | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Defendant left the State. |

| Apl. 1 | Tyler | Smith | Wm Walker | Cherry Golan | B. |Assault with intent to Kill. |   | fined 1 dollar and Costs. |   |  

| Apl. 2 | Sulphur Springs | Hopkins | R. L. Robinson Sr. Robinson Sr. Beck | } Chas. H Richards | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Ref'd to Civil Authorities, no information of final action rec'd. | 

| Apl. 4 | Mud Creek | Smith | Henry Bullard | Anthony Terry | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Case settled in the bureau by Compromise |

| Apl. 5 | Neches Sabine | Henderson | Dr.  Adams & KinFolk. | A Jenkins | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Referred to Civil Authorities at Athens Henderson Co. No information as to final action rec'd. |

| Apl 8 | [[Steen?]] Sabine | Smith | Bird White | Simion LuKous | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Settled in the Bureau by the parties, |

| Apl 8 | Salt Sabine | B. | W. Burse | L. W. Friferton | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Def't has left the country. |

| Apl. 9 | Garden Valley | Vanzant | Jerry Shewart | Geo. Jones | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Case amicably arranged in the bureau |

| Apl. 10 | Mud CK | Smith | Henry Bullard | Temsey Tare | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Referred to C. Court. Case to be tried July 18 |

| Apl. 11 | Tyler | Smith | Dr. Reid | Laura Harris | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   |  Ref'd to Civil Authorities. No Ref. Rec'd as to final action. |

| Apl. 12 | Tyler | Smith | F. Morse & T. Niblack | Mauds Edwards | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   | Fined $ 31 1/2. |   | 

| Apl. 13 | Larisa | Cherokee | Frank Yokeham | Susan Stevans | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Referred to Civil Authorities. No information of final action received |

| Apl. 16 | Canton | Vanzant | Lafitte Summer | G. W. Athen | " | do  do |  |  fined 1 cent & costs |   |

| Apl. 18 | Larisa | Cherokee | James Rather | Mary Wilson | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   |  Fined with costs. |   |

| Apl. 19 | Larisa | Cherokee | James Rather | Wm Wishams | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   | Fined with costs |   |

| Apl. 20 | Starrville | Smith | Moses Walters | Olive Wiggins | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |  | Fined $21 95/100. |   | 

| May 5 | Starville | Wood | Wm King | Fanny Bailey | B. | Assault with intent to Kill.   |   | Case dismissed at the Bureau in default |

| May 10 | Jamestown | Smith | Jas. Walker | Maria Wilson | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Def't not to be found. |

| May 11 | Mud Creek | Smith | Y. Wicks & Wm. Day. | Harriet Sharp | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Def't not to be found. |
| June 25 | Yelora | Smith | Robert Austin | Isaac Gladden | B. | Assault with intent to Kill. |   |   | Case dismissed. Comp't  not proven. |

Transcription Notes:
Don't know why this was said to be "Completed" with no formatting at top, just a list of the headings. No dittos were transcribed either, and questionable words to solve for. I reopened. Also, empty column entries are three spaces, not one or two. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-19 21:04:25