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Report of Murder and Assaults with attempt to kill in 16th Sub. Dist. State of Tex since Jany. 1st 1867. 

[[9 columned table]]
| Date | Town | County | Name of Criminal | Name of Person Attacked | Nature of the offence | Statement of circumstances | Action of Courts | Action of Bureau. 

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| May | Clinton | De Witt | Jesse Pullen | Fred Munch  Michael O Keef | Shooting at while in a state of intoxication | Said Pullen had some difficulty with a man whom he wanted to shoot, said man had escaped across the river and he Pullen wanted to follow him and called to the ferryman to take him over, which they refused to do, said Munch and Keef were Mechanics at work on the boat. Pullen then fired at them and drove them from their work. P_ they were constrained to go home, and although it was reported no one tried to arrest him, he left town next day not been back since. | No action. | No action |

| April 11th |   | De Witt | Thos. Dodd | Mintz, Freedman | Murder in cold blood | Mintz had a riding whip in his hand. Dodd with two others rode up. Dodd says to Mintz what are you going to do with that whip. Ans. nothing  Dodd then says I have a Damn good notion to shoot you. By G_d, I believe I will, and fired killing him instantly. | Warrants issued but not served. | No action |

| April 15. | Sandies | De Witt | [[strikethrough]] Doby [[/strikethrough]] Hays, Taylor | William North | Shot through the thigh, will probably not recover. | The dificulty arose from some misunderstanding at a horse race, about the purse. | No action | No action |

Clinton, July 28, 1867

Respectfully submitted.
Hiram Clark 

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