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2360. One Oblong Dish, with projecting rim and four short feet. "Chun Yao." 
Sung. Chinese.

[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 1581

Dense, gray paste.
Blue glaze mottled with rose; slightly crackled.
Brows and olive glaze on outer base; slightly crackled.
Earthworm marks appear on inner base and on outer side of extended rim.
Twenty-three small spur marks, and the Chinese character 1 incised on base.
An area 1 1/2" long is broken out of rim on one side and replaced with plaster.
Height, 2". Length over rim, 7 1/4".

Purchased from Frank W. Hadley, New York,
Voucher 5, December 1913, 400.00