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NOTE--The following Questions must be answered by figures only when possible.

[[4 columned table]]
|   |   | ANSWERS |   |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | No. of days spent in teaching during the month, | 15 |   |
| 2 | No. of hours spent in teaching each day, | 5½ |   |
| 3 | No. of scholars on the roll this month, | 67 |   |
| 4 | Average attendance of scholars, | 44 |   |
| 5 | No. in Alphabet and Primer, | 6 |   |
| 6 | No. in Reading, (including Spelling), | 61 |   |
| 7 | No. in Writing, (on Slates 23 on Copies 3) |   |   |
| 8 | No. in Arithmetic, (Primary 3 advanced 0) |   |   |
| 9 | No. in Geography, (Primary  0 Intermediate 0) |   |   |
| 10 | No. in Grammar, (Elementary 0  advanced 0) |   |   |
| 11 | No. in History, | 0 |   |  
| 12 | How many over 16 years of age, | 18 |   |  
| 13 | How many MALE scholars enrolled this month, | 51 |   |
| 14 | How many FEMALE scholars enrolled this month,| 16 |   |
| 15 | How many MALE in day school, this month, | 51 |   |
| 16 | How many FEMALE, in day school, this month, | 16 |   |
| 17 | How many MALE in night school, this month, | 0 |   |
| 18 | How many FEMALE in night school, this month, | 0 |   |
| 19 | State how many day pupils pay Tuition Money, | 67 |   |
| 20 | State how many night pupils pay Tuition Money, | 0 |   | 
| 21 | State how much per week is paid for the Teacher's board |   | $2.45 |
| 22 | Have you forwarded to the Actuary the money received for sales this month?  Yes  How much? |   | $0.26 |
| 23 | Have you received your salary for last month? Yes How much? |   | $16.66 |
| 24 | Whole answer entered the term |   |   |

NOTE--Teachers are required to send in their monthly Reports on the LAST secular day of each month.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-23 09:46:50 question 22 is confusing. It shows 2.45 and 0.26? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-23 16:14:25