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SCHOOL known as the Sumner, Stevenson-Lowell, and Cheney Schools, at Columbus County of Muscogee State of Georgia

Report for the month ending May 31st 1866.


[[7 columned table]]
| NAME IN FULL. | SUSTAINED BY WHAT SOCIETY. | No. of days taught during month. | No. of days lost, and why. | No. of hours daily. | No. of sessions daily. | STATE OF HEALTH. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| George A Pike } Sumner School | N.E.B. F & U. Comm  National F.A. Soc. | 22 | Holiday May 1st | 4½ | 1 | good |

| Ellen B. Haven } Sumner School | N.E.B. F & U. Comm  National F.A. Soc. | 22 | Holiday May 1st | 4½ | 1 | poor |

| Ann Wardsworth } Sumner School | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. |   |   |   |   | good |

| Ann Edwards } Sumner School | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. |   |   |   |   | good |

| Lucy Chase } Stevenson and Lowell | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 22 | Holiday May 1st | 3½ | 1 | good |

| Sarah E. Chase } Stevenson and Lowell | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 22 | Holiday May 1st | 3½ | 1 | good |

| Mary A. Gayle } Stevenson and Lowell | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 22 | Holiday May 1st | 3½ | 1 | good |

| Abbie H Nye } Cheney | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 21 | Holiday and 1 day raining | 3¾ | 1 | good |

| Martha Hargraves } Chaney | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 21 | Holiday and 1 day raining | 3¾ | 1 | good |

| J.S. Banfield Asst Supt | N.E.B. F. & U. Comm. | 21 | Holiday and 1 day raining | 3¾ | 1 | good |