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Pls attach to voucher 

New York, N.Y ,
April 24th, 1914.

Dear Mr. Freer;-

At a meeting of the Committee, held yesterday at the Japan Society rooms, Mr. Lindsay Russell stated they were not very long on funds to liquidate their indebtedness to the DiVinne Press, which amounted to nearly $5000.00. They decided to send $1500. or $1800. at once,and,further,to ask a number of the members to make a contribution toward the ultimate liquidation of the account. I stated that I would subscribe $250.00 towards same, and that I would write you regarding it. While I feel we have done our full share in the matter,I am willing to go just that much further,and hope you may feel like doing the same. 
I am sending this letter to your address in Detroit, with the hopes that it will be forwarded to you promptly, and find you very much improved in health.  With kind regards,

Yours very truly,

[[signature]]Clluto i. Pele [[signature]]

C.L. Freer, Esq.,
33 Ferry Ave., East, 
Detroit, Michigan.

Transcription Notes:
Two untranscribed words