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August 5, 1914.

The following paintings purchased from Mr. Backhouse, through Mr. Larkin - not yet paid for:

(A) Scroll painting entitled "Sacrifice to Ancestors at the Spring Festival, by Chang Tse-tuan, £1000. less 20% = £ 800.
(H) Copy thereof by Ch'iu Ying, £470. less 20 % = £376.
(L) "Flitting," by Wu Tao-tzu, £6300. less 20% = £5040.
= £6,216

Copy of Western Union cablegram, dated "Detroit, July 25, 1914:"

"Peachbloom. London."
"Remitting full price for album G.
Will also keep A and H both Spring Sacrifices
and L Flitting at twenty percent reduction.
Answer. Freer."