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fragrance has perfumed the room - There are vases in the room too filled with beautiful rose buds, fuchsias, geraniums &c so it seems as if we had Spring within; if not without. It has been a desperately cold day, but very bright & sunshiny. I went to Sunday School this morning & talked awhile with my little flock, but I've not been to church. I heard Becky say this noon that she had a dozen letters to write to-day & your name was among the number, but she ended as she always does, by writing only one. It is harder to write now than ever before I believe, because seeing is so much more satisfactory I want you right by me, & as soon as I begin to write, the longing grows all the stronger. I had a lovely letter from Mrs. Minell yesterday She will probably be in N.Y. this week, so you will see her. I miss you all very much especially darling little Marion - you must give her a great many kisses from us both. Tell her I've been staying with Dodo & Freddy. Freddy can walk alone now & he   

begins to talk a great deal & is very amusing. Harry & Mary Nile have been making a little visit with us, which we enjoyed very much. Harry went away last night & this afternoon Mary, Nelly & Becky started off for Boston, so mother, Kate, Katie and I are left alone- Not exactly alone however for a Mr. Marion Clay's nephew is staying for a month or so with us & he seems just like one of the family - He is a great Apostle of Emerson & reads aloud to us from his poems. Last night he read Monadnoc, which brought freshly before us one delightful Art experience. He is a Radical preacher & has been lecturing to Mr. Parker's former society. He has bought a splendid library of books & we are having feasts of the choicest sort. I am going to read Michel Angelo to Gussie to night How I should like to look in upon you this evening in your cosy [[cozy]] little sitting room & have a nice chat or listen to some good book from Mr. Vaux! I should like very much to hear of your sister Sade's impressions of the South. It must be growing pretty warm there by this time. I long to know too whether you are 

Transcription Notes:
The room have vases and rosebuds,fuchsuas and geraniums c. The day this was written was Sunday. The writer loves writing also misses people close to them such as Marlon. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-13 23:17:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-16 14:09:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-17 12:37:00