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Fifth Generation   Ulster Co., N.Y.

Mauritius - 1
John Henry - 2
Hendricus - 3

Sarah Jane4 Goetschius m. JAMES S. McENTEE

2. Mary Swan McEntee, b. 1830, d. 8-6-1892 in 63rd year (Montrepose Cemtery, Kingston, N.Y.); m. Calvert Vaux, b. London, England 12-20-1824, d. Bensonhurst, L.I., N.Y. 11-19-1895 (Montrepose Cem.), son of

Encyclopedia American: 1950:
Calvert Vaux, American landscape architect, born in London, England 12-20-1824, died Bensonhurst, L.I. 11-19-1895; he was educated in London; in 1848 came to the United States as an assistant to A. J. Downing, the celebrated American landscape designer, whose partner he became in 1851. He assisted in laying out the grounds surrounding the Capitol and the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, and in partnership with F. L. Olmsted he laid out Central Park in New York. In 1865 his design for Prospect Park, Brooklyn, was accepted and he was subsequently engaged with Mr. Olmsted in laying out parks in Chicago, Buffalo, and the State Reservation at Niagara Falls, and at other cities and towns throughout the United States. They laid out Riverside and Morningside parks in New York City. Vaux became designing landscape architect of the public parks in 1881. He designed the Museum of Natural History (1873) and theMetropolitan Museum of Art (1874) in New York, besides the landscaping of other public buildings. To him is due credit for the artistic and original treatment of the transverse roads in Central Park. He wrote "Villas and Cottages." (1857.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 16:33:52 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 16:03:43 corrected Calvery Vaux to Calvert