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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A. Lands
Hd Qrs Supt 9th Dist Va
Fort Monroe, Va., March 12th 1866.

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Comr. Freedmen's Bureau
Richmond, Va.,

I have the honor to request transportation for the following persons to their former homes, and to find employment, to wit.

Fanny Freeland 70 years. } 
John Anderson 39 years. } To Surry County Va. order 401
Betsy Anderson 24 years. } 
Peter Anderson 2 years. }

Lucy Johnson 30 years. } 
Washington Johnson 7 years. } To New Kent Co., Va., order 402
Isaiah Johnson 5 years. }  

Alzivah Washington 56 years. } 
Pinky Smith 30 years. } To Richmond, Va., order 403

Goodwin Winfield 58 years. } 
Caroline Winfield 43 years. } 
Sarah Winfield 11 years. } 
John Winfield 9 years. } To Jamestown, Va., order 404
Mary E. Winfield 7 years. } 
Charles Winfield 5 years. } 

Lucy Ann Saunders 35 years = Yorktown Va., order 405


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 12:07:48