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Abstract of proceedings of the Freedman's Court for the county of Elizabeth City for the week ending March 21./66.

B.B. Wood. for the Freedmen
Phillips for the Whites.
Mort. S. Reed. 1' Lieut V.R.C. Asst. Supt. Recorder.

Maria Sheppard cold.} For support of natural child.
Samuel Crittendon. cold}
The Dfdt. admitting the child to be his, the Court allowed Plntf. one Dollar per week for its maintenance.

Washington Jackson cold.} Assault & Battery
Zachariah Todd. white.}
The Dfdt. admitting that he had assaulted Plntf. without just provocation, striking Plantiff several times and also cutting him with a knife, the Court found Dfdt. guilty of the charge and sentenced him, Zachariah Todd, to confinement at hard labor for the period of one month and the payment of a fine of twenty Dollars.

Esther Jackson cold.} Recovery of furniture.
Tanny Shagford. cold.}
Furniture ordered to be restored.

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