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I, Joseph R. Anderson, Solemnly swear that, on the 21st day of September, 1865, I received from the President under the Seal of the United State, a full pardon and amnesty for all offences by me committed arising from participation in the late rebellion, and that I immediately accepted the same as therein provided. 
Joseph R. Anderson 

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 2d April 1866. J L Apperson Not Pub City of Richmond

I, Ralph Tomlinson, solemnly swear that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, Joseph R. Anderson is the owner of the lands alluded to in the foregoing letter. I was a resident at Old Point for many years, and familiar with the circumstances, attending the purchase of the said lands by the said Anderson. 
R. Tomlinson

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 29 March 1866.
J.L. Apperson N.P. City of Richmond