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To Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation  Dr.
Address 36, Wall Street, New York City

Detroit, January 4th 1915   

[[5 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| For this amount to pay for the following paintings purchased from Edmund Backhoues, through Mr. Larkin of London, in July, 1914: £ 6216. at $4.85 1/2, - - - |   |   | 30,178 | 68 |
| [[stamp]] Smithsonian. [[/stamp]] 150 (A) Scroll painting entitled "Sacrifice to Ancestors at the Spring Festival, by Chang Tse-tuan, £ 800. = | 2.884 | 00 |   |   |
| [[stamp]] Smithsonian. [[/stamp]] 150 (H) Copy thereof by Ch'iu Ying, £ 376. = | 1.825 | 48 |   |   |
| [[stamp]] Smithsonian. [[/stamp]] 150 (L) "Flitting" by Wu Tao-tzu, £ 5040. = | 24.469.20 |   |
| Total, £ 6216. = | $30.178 | 68 |   |   |

Settlement sent to Wade Gardner, Agent, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, 36 Wall St. N.Y. by telegraphic request of E. Backhouse attached hereto -

Correct, M R Rodgers    
Approved, C L Freer
RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Thirty THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT and 68/100  DOLLARS, [[strikethrough]] IN FULL OF ABOVE ACCOUNT [[/strikethrough]] a/c Edmund Backhouse

Newyork [[stamp]] JAN 6 - 1915 [[/stamp]] 19  

NEW YORK AGENCY  Agent. [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Author uses L with strikethrough, but clearly means to make his own £ symbol, so I used the £ symbol. Signature at bottom may be illegible. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 08:43:35