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but, still I did not deem that anything serious would occur. My position at this time was anything but enviable:  holding in my hands a prisoner who I knew was unjustly confined, but still felt myself in honor bound to turn him over again to the Civil authorities for a long and weary imprisonment, and I was also determined to suppress any outbreak which might occur in consequence of the same. The "Gordian Knot" was unexpectedly untied, as the prisoner without any body being to blame, escaped.  The facts, upon examination appear to be substantially these - the prisoner pretended he was taken very sick, cramps in his stomach &c, word was sent to the "Doctor" he directed that the prisoner be brought to his office; he was taken over under guard; the guard remained at the door, the same being open; the "Doctor" turned to his case to prepare some medicine when his "patient" gave a spring through the window and ran for dear life; the guard, the doctor, and others started immediately in pursuit but to no purpose.  As soon as his escape was known not less than at least two hundred "Freedmen" sprung up, as it were by magic, prepared to keep him at any cost, from the 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 19:59:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-12 07:13:03