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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Head Quarters Supt. 9th Dist. Va..
Fort Monroe. Va. June 19th 1866.

Bvt Brig. Gen. O Brown.
Richmond, Va.

I have the honor to request transportation for the following named freedpeople to their former homes to relieve the Govt of their support and to prevent their becoming dependent

Matilda Wiston 50 years. }- order 662 - To King William Co. Va.
Matilda Wiston 15 years }- order 662 - To King William Co. Va.
Kitty E. James Wiston 7 and 2 years. }- order 662 - To King William Co. Va.
Litty Dabney. 30 years } - order 663. To Essex Co. Va. 
Beverly Dabney. 25 years } - order 663. To Essex Co. Va. 
Lucy Ann Newton 12 years } - order 663. To Essex Co. Va. 
Stephen Farrow 61 years - order 664 To Henrico Co. Va.
Frazer Cork 28 years - Jamestown. Va., order 665.
Rosanna Washington 16 years - To Sussex Co. Va., order 666.

with Great Respect, I am General
Your obedient Servant
S C Armstrong
Supt. 9th Dist. Va.,