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Office Superintendent Bureau R.F. and A.L.
1st District, State of Virginia
Norfolk, Va. June 29th 1866.

Col. Heide
Insp and A.A.A.G.


In reply to yours of the 25th inst:  I have the honor to state that the Verdict in the case of Edw Long, has not been set aside.  The case having been postponded to enable his council to learn more facts by examining the records of the first investigation of the matter.

Mr. Chandler wishes me to inquire if the report of the Board, appointed to investigate the affair, is in Richmond, and if he could have access to the same.  I am inclined to think the verdict will be set aside.

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Serv't
Wm. P. Austin
Capt. and Supt. 1st Dist Va