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Now if these demands sound heavy, well, you have completely screwed and tatooed us country cousins from S.F.; now it is time to pay your dues.

If Bob Johnson has not received the shipment by 5 p.m. of February 21 Saturday, than I am going to get some donations from the enemies of Adreas Brown in S.F., and I've uncovered quite a few that knew you before the photo fiasco, and w/the bread I will take the soonest flight out to NY, make contct with some ghetto friends, and a few macho gays into heavy S/M; and maybe some mafia types and pay you a visits, and you willl really pay your dues. Tip off the Village Voice (no, forget it they are too genteel now) I'll contact some raunchy [[strikethrough]] h [[//strikethrough]] or kinky underground newspaper, have them bring a photog for the tarring and feathering of Bastard Brown.

Two other things to remember about me: I knew Eric Berne before he became famous w/Games People Play. He told me I was one of the most perceptive people he ever met. I learned how not to play games and all these years have not. But, remember this I am a professional game player, while you are an amateur playing in the junior fagotty league, despite your bread an pretensions about your own genius. 

So unless that shipment arrives to Bob by the 21st, I am coming to the Big Applle, to tar and [[strikethrough]] feath [[//strikethrough]] feather you [[strikethrough]] mAK [[//strikethrough]]make your name shit in NY.

What have I got to lose, maybe a yar in Bellevue for the caper. Shit, going to a madness is not the worse thing that can happen to me, I've been there before. 

My ghetto friend Arthur Hopkins said to me, "It's a two-way street; fair exchange is no robbery.:

Well, we played straightw/you;you shafted us;now its your turn to be shafted.

If you think i have libeled you,sue me, but remember what happened to Oscar Wilde

Mark Green

copies: Robert Johnson, San Francisco, Ca.
Wallace Berman, Topanga, Ca
Mark Green papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Thomas Albright, art critic, San Franscisco Chronicle
Herb Caen, San Francisco Chronicle
Mary Miles Ryan, San Francisco Museum of Art
Joan Murray Photography Critic ArtWeek Oakland, Ca
Jack Newfield, New York Magazine
A.D. Coleman, N.Y. times
Roger Grimsby, New Dept., ABC-Tv, N.C.NY
Richard Elman, New York City
Alan Ginsberg, Cherry Valley, N.Y.
Sam and Ann Charters,
Janet Friies, Bureau Chief, Berkeley Barb, San Francisco. 
Helen Gurley Brown, Cosmopolitan Magazine, NYC, NY
John Szarkowski, Museum of Modern Art, N.Y.C
Blair Stapp, film producer, KQED-TV, San Francisco
David Whitaker, radio KPOO, San Francisco
Warren Hinckle, Editor, City of San Francisco
Francis Ford, Coppola, Publisher, City of San Francisco.
GERALD LUBENOW, Bureau Chief, Newsweek, San Francisco