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920 Esmeralda
San Francisco, Ca. 94110
14 February 1976

The Rev. John Williams
Director, Intersection
A Center for the Arts and Religion
North Beach
756 Union Street
San Francisco, Ca.

Dear John:

The 2nd edition of the Rolling  Rennaisance [Renaissance] catalog is a classic. However, I was concerned about the boxes of catalogs still unpacked,and, no efforts being made so far to sell or promote it.

You are all wonderful people, but completely incompetent on some matters; the catalog could sell out, a copy to every art museum and library, not mention the geberal [general] public.

Have you gotten off your ass yet and made plans w/Bob Briggs for distribution? I bet not? Releases sent out yet and review copies to book reviewers I bet not.

I am not going to do your work for you but this week L'll [I'll] send you a list of art critics and reviewers to send copies to;and,also a smaple [sample] release if you want to use any or part of it.

Look I conceived the Rennaisance [Renaissance] in a manic state,wound up in Langlie Porter Nuero-psychiatric clinic over it: Bob Johnson put it together at great cost; Glide took all the credit,didn't do anything, stiffed Bob and he was stuck w/ paying out of his own pocket for catalogs; no, you are diddling around in the usual hokey Intersection way.

I don't want it to end up like Christa's Fleischman's Mark in Time which Glide completely botched up printing and promotion and distribution-wise.

Have you sent yet a copy to John Fisher, one of the originators? His address is 7111 Clayton St.,S..F. 94117. Do so pronto.

Mark Green

copies: Mark Green papers, Archives of Am. Art, Smithsonian Institution
Robert Emory Johnson
John Fisher
Thomas Albright
Robert Briggs

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