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920 Esmeralda
San Francisco,Ca. 94110.
824-1576 home
648-8200 x552 work
(tues-sat. 2:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.

Literary Agents: 
Elizabeth Pomada/Michael Larsen
1029 Jones Street
San Francisco,Ca. 

Dear Elizabeth and Michael: 

The book is finished: The After-Beat; photographs by Mark Green, 1957-76.

It is in Tom Albright's hands. When he is [[strikethrough]]zrhxo[[/strikethrough]] through to the text, I will send it insured to you. 

I was talking by phone to a friend of mine in New York, Richard Elman, novelist, writer,and poet, and teacher at Columbia university. 

He thinks several publishers should look at the book for negotiations. 

He suggests Burrough Mitchells [[Burroughs Mitchell]] at Scribners, a former editor of his; and, Nick Ellison at Crowell, his current edior [[editor]]; and, also Mulch Press,who he thinks might do the best quality reproduction.

However, if Avon is still interested, it should go there first,although, Richard thinks we will miss out on a lot of reviews if it comes out first in paperback. Also maybe show it to Doubleday,as their Special Projects was interested in it before I met you. Maybe show it to Luther Nichols out here? 

A second edition of the Rolling Rennaisance catalog is out w/new pix and a clossing [[closing]] essay by Tom. Published by Intersection,it is being distributed by Bob Briggs. 

Elman   Elam wants me to apply to MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire, a writer and artists Colony with studios and darkrooms. Leonard Bernstein,Aaron Copeland, and James Baldwin have gone there. I may apply for October,and print up my documentation of Nanny Goat Hill Gallery that I founded and make up the prints for the Mark Green Papers, Archives of Am.Art, Smithsonian Institution. 

When you have reactions to book after you look at it,let me know what you think. 


Mark Green 

Transcription Notes:
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