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I will foot the bill for the copy negative and print if you so wish and you can bill me. Mr. Mariah was most kind to loan the print to the exhibit and give permission to reproduce the photo in the catalogue. I searched out this photograph at the request of Merril Greene who was working on the introduction to the exhibition catalogue. Incidentally, whatever happened with the catalogue? And where is Merril Greene?

Too bad things didn't work out better for all concerned. The photographers got some exposure and perhaps made few sales. The subject was certainly worthy of all the hard work. I thank you for all the artists and my personal thanks for staging the exhibit. Please proceed swiftly with the return shipment, as after these many long months, I am anxious to close off this piece of business.

The two crates should be sent to:

Robert E. Johnson
1284 - 7th Avenue
San Francisco, California 94122
Phone: (415) 564-6451 or (415) 673-6990 ext. 79

If necessary; phone number of my wife, Dana Johnson: (day time, work) (415) 546-3052.

I expect you, Andreas, like myself want to wrap this whole matter up. Please notify me immediately if there is a delay for any reason. If there is a question in your mind about how to order prints, addresses of photographers, etc., I repeat, please refer to your copy of our agreement signed in your office, May 27, 1975.

Robert E. Johnson
Robert E. Johnson

