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to respect; my whole observation and experience of them confirms this statement.

Yet I consider the Mayor of Williamsburg an exception – a just man to both races.

The Registry of Marriages is progressing; entries are made in the form prescribed by the State for the County clerks – so in all the sub–districts. Circular No. 11 has been duly published. Surnames are generally adopted.

This County has no poor house, has not yet taxed freedmen for support of poor, (but propose to) are willing and expect to maintain their own paupers of either color; they show in this matter a commendable spirit. 
The supply of labor is in excess of the demand, due to want of money, and means of cultivation, for the county is not nearly worked up to its producing power; industry is discouraged by the difficulty in paying labor. 

There are two excellent Friends schools and another taught by a colored man. At least three more are needed; the desire to learn